A Jain Sadhu’s Pilgrimage to Sindh (Part-XXIX)

A Jain Sadhu-Cover-Page-of-Mari Sindh Yatra-New
Cover page of Gujarati book

Always in pure white Khadi attire from head to toe, Bhai Ganatra does not remain from participating in any activities of Karachi

[Editor’s Note: This is Part 29 (Eminent Personalities – Part – 2) of a series of articles based on a pre-partition book named “મારી સિંધ યાત્રા” (“منهنجي سنڌ جو سفر”) in Gujarati authored by a scholarly Jain sadhu Shri Vidyavijayji, narrating his experiences of Journey and his Stay in Karachi for about 2 and a half years between 1937 and 1939. It would be advisable to click on the Introductory Article and read it to better understand the series. – Nasir Aijaz, Editor Sindh Courier]

Vimal Shah, Mumbai

Hiralal Ganatra

Always in pure white Khadi attire from head to toe, Bhai Ganatra does not remain from participating in any activities of Karachi. He is blessed with a good oratory apart from being born with a silver spoon. There would be hardly anyone who did not get a sweet beating from Bhai Ganatra. He very well knows sweet beating selflessly. The cooperation of Bhai Ganatra would always be there in any activities of any religion, you only need to seek it. He has done very good service to Karachi being a member of the Municipality. Despite having modern education and living among modern people day and night, his religious culture is astonishing for anyone. He is ever ready to welcome a Sadhu of any religion and any sect who arrives in Karachi. Not only he himself but his entire family would also be engrossed in devotedness.

Despite being a Lohana, perversion of sectarianism or staunchness has not touched him. He has faith in religion but not blind faith. Whatever he has done for his community and is doing, the community truly owes it to him. Sometime back with his efforts the affluent of his community had done charity worth lakhs of rupees. And many poor families are living at a nominal cost in the elegant dwellings built under his personal supervision with the charity and they are blessing Hiralal.

He is ever ready to welcome a Sadhu of any religion and any sect who arrives in Karachi

The aim of his life is to be involved in social, religious, or national activities. ‘Promptness’ is like another name for his life. He considers speaking, walking, or working with laxity as his implacable enemy. He plays a leading role in many organizations, and he serves them with his energy-mind-and money. Any Gujarati resident of Karachi would confirm even today that ‘Shree Karachi Gurjar Sahitya Kala Mahotsav’ (Karachi Gujarati Arts & Literature Festival) organized in Samvat 1985 (The year 1927-28) under the Presidentship of the great poet Nanalal was primarily a brainchild and a result of the efforts of Bhai Hiralal Ganatra. He would always be at the forefront of any such activity in Karachi.

[Note by Vimal Shah: Hiralal Ganatra was also Deputy Mayor of Karachi at one time and there’s a road named after him in Karachi, also known as Aslam Road these days. Rambhaben, the sister of Hiralal, though not mentioned in the book, I feel she too deserves a space in this section.]


Rambhaben Sukhparia (1893 – 1989)

She was born in Jodia, Gujarat, India and moved to Karachi after she became a widow at the age of 19. She began by working towards caste reform with her brother Hiralal. She was inspired by Gandhiji during the 1930 Congress convention in Karachi and dedicated her life towards the Swadeshi Movement and the Freedom Struggle. The British government had imprisoned her for six months.  After the partition in 1947 she moved to Jodia and started Shri Hunnar Udyog School in 1950. In 1972, on the 25th anniversary of India’s independence, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi honored Rambhaben for her significant contribution to India’s freedom struggle by presenting her with a Tamra Patra (Copper Plate).

Rambhaben- Copper Plate

Swami Balkrishna Dasji Maharaj

This Sadhu with a virtuous attitude, peaceful personality, and generous character is Aacharya of the Kabir Panth. A place of worship dedicated to Kabir Panth has been built in Karachi with his efforts. And many devotees come there to listen to the discourse of Kabir Saheb. Despite being Aacharya of a sect, a Priest, and that too a scholar Priest, you don’t find even an iota of arrogance in him. Today a large part of Hindu sadhus is involved in consuming cannabis, smoking chillums, and in the words of a poet – ‘They have given up their home and family but not desires. Commoners live with just one family, while sadhus live with a large congregation.’ Thus, in times when the others are on their downfall, Swami Balkrishna Dasji is busy in continuous learning and meditation, and becoming an ideal for other Hindu sadhus.

Swami Balkrishna DasjiHe speaks very less. Whatever he speaks is sweet and the truth. He keeps quiescence every Monday. He consumes the simplest of food and leads the simplest of life. Despite being a scholar and a saint, he is so humble and courteous that anyone would hold him in high respect. Since he is a sadhu and holds the responsibility of propaganda of the Kabir Panth, he does not live in Karachi permanently. But whatever time he spends in Karachi, he devotes his time to the welfare of the people of Karachi. Now since Karachi is a host to a place of worship for Kabir Panth, we can hope the people of Karachi would be benefited from the knowledge of this scholarly Swamiji and believer of interfaith harmony. (Continues)

Click here for Part-IPart-IIPart-IIIPart-IVPart-V Part-VI Part-VII Part-VIII Part-IXPart-XPart-XIPart-XIIPart-XIII Part-XIVPart-XVPart-XVI Part-XVIIPart-XVIII Part-XIXPart-XXPart-XXIPart-XXII Part-XXIII Part-XXIVPart-XXV Part-XXVI, Part-XXVII, Part-XXVIII 


About the contributor of the series of Articles based on the book

Jainism - Vimal Shah - Sindh CourierVimal Shah is a follower of Jainism by birth and is based in Mumbai, India. He is a Computer Engineer and holds a Diploma in Jainology from Mumbai University. He has an immense interest in reading, writing, studying, and teaching Jain Philosophical subjects. He conducts classroom as well as online sessions on Jain Philosophical courses. He continues to study various subjects and remains a student of Jain Philosophy. He has significantly contributed to the Translation Project of the ‘Compendium of Jainism’ from English to Gujarati – an initiative of the JAINA India Foundation. He is also associated with a Project for the translation of Jain Aagams (Scriptures) from Gujarati to English. He has a special interest in the history and preservation of the Jain Heritage in Pakistan. He was part of a Delegation of the Jain Heritage Foundation, New Delhi that visited various Jain Heritage Sites in Pakistan in May-2023.


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