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Crime – A Poem from India

Crime – A Poem from India

Crime anytime, can happen to anyone, so open your eyes and keep ears open.

Priyanka Neogi, an eminent poetess and writer from West Bengal, India, shares her poem

Priyanka Neogi- India- Sindh CourierPriyanka Neogi, born is 2.7.1988 at Pundibari, Coochbehar, India, is a professional librarian. She is an international poet, story writer, live telecaster, dancer, reciter and motivational speaker. She has published 7 edition book of Library and information science and written one book. Published many poem and stories of the national and international field. She is UAP Miss India 2nd runners up 2022. She is West Bengal Secretary of 50-Cricket Ball Association and Rocket ball Association, president of football federation of West Bengal. She is also Brand ambassador of All live do exist magazine of USA, Indian Ambassador of Magic Masa of Australia. She is multi-talented and international awardee. She also received outstanding global leader award from Philippines in 2021, Best Librarian award 2024 of I-KOAL 2024.


Crime anytime,

Can happen to anyone,

So open your eyes and keep ears open.

Be alert and aware, always in a hurry.


Crime happens to us in many ways.

Never understand that

Never again.

Someone protested.

No one protested.


Many people “understand crime”,

Many others commit “crimes without realizing it”.

Crime in the broadest sense,

Murder, burning, rape, robbery, extortion, acid throwing, blackmail, molestation, pawn taking and torture for money,

Laying hands on partner after marriage,

Keeping multiple personal partners at once



Many small things too,

But falls into crime,

Such as falsely slandering someone,

Interfering with someone’s “freedom of person and speech”,

Pressuring someone into marriage,

To force something upon someone,

Mental torture,

Making fun of someone or making fun of them in front of people.

Be it boy or girl or any person,

 Touching her without her permission.

Photographing him without permission,

Plagiarizing someone’s writing,

Annoying someone knowingly and so on.


Crimes committed against yourself,

 Should not be allowed to grow.

“It might” be over soon,

Never think like that.

At the outset of the crime,

Efforts should be made to eradicate crime.


 If you want to save your life from crime,

Some people have to leave.

But better without.

And if to save yourself,

A person or medium has to catch,

But taking that path will be the best option.


To keep life right,

Whenever a crime is seen to be taking place,

Then you have to protest.

Action must be taken.

Silence is never a protest against injustice.

To prevent crime with oneself,

Only we can

If necessary, hold the hand of the people and the administration.

Yet let us protect ourselves from crime.


Read: The Earth’s Prayer – Poetry from West Bengal



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