The Earth’s Prayer – Poetry from West Bengal


The earth has been suffering from the disease called war for ages

Ejaj Ahamed West Bengal Sindh CourierMd. Ejaj Ahamed is a bilingual poet, writer, journalist, teacher, an editor and a peace ambassador. He was born on 26 February 1990 in a remote village called Mahendrapur in Aurangabad of Murshidabad district, West Bengal, India. His Educational Qualifications are English Honors, triple MA, B.Ed., D. El. Ed. He has been teaching for 12 years. During his college days, his Bengali-English poems and essays were published in the college magazine ‘Ayon’ every year. His Bengali-English poetry, essays have been published in various magazines, journals, newspapers and joint poetry books. His research article ‘Discovery and the Golden Peak of Improvement’ has been published in an International Journal Called RJELAL and his another research article ‘Exploring New Trends and Innovations in English Language and Literature’ has been published in an international standard book. His published Bengali books are ‘Swopno Tori'(Dream Boat), Bangla Sahitya o cinemaya Goyenda Charitra (Detective Characters in Bengali Literature and Cinema), ‘Maner pandulipi'(Manuscript of Mind), ‘Hrid-Canvas'(Heart-Canvas) and ‘Antarer Kabyakatha'(The Poetry of Heart), ‘Paranta Sandhya’ (Fall Evening). He is the chief editor of Swapner Vela Sahitya patrika (The Raft of Dreams Literary Magazine). He was a member of the editorial board of ‘International Sahitya Subarna’ magazine, now he is a member of the advisory committee. He is the North Bengal editor of ‘The Quadri Times’ newspaper and finance secretary of ‘Joy Bangla Sahitya Parisad’ of Bangladesh. He has edited a collection of Bengali poems by poets from India and Bangladesh, ‘Kabitar Akash'(The Sky of Poetry) and ‘Kabitar Aranya'(The Forest of Poetry), ‘Kabitar Sagar’ (The Sea of Poetry). He also works as a journalist for various newspapers. He has gotten many awards and honorary doctorates from various organizations. He got honor from the SAARC Human Rights Foundation. He has received ‘Ambassador of peace’ of WLFPH, ‘Global Ambassador’ of International Literacy Study Group (Bangladesh ) Member of Global Ambassadors of Sustainability and Certified Sustainability Officer (Dubai), Member of International Peace Ambassadors Academy (Egypt), Ambassador- ‘Iqra Foundation’ (Jerusalem), Member of Peace of ‘International Academy for Peace and Human Rights’ (Egypt), Member- ‘Feather and Extender Humanity Academy’ Europe and Turkey Branch, Member- Global Friends Club, Ambassador for World Peace- Foundation Maria Gladys. He is also a moderator of ‘London Poets Club’ (England).

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The sun awakens 

The earth from her sleep, all the

Nature be glad; smile.


When the sun sets, night

Comes but then the moon, the stars

Peep and glut natures.


floating-islands-with-trees-sky-1709741THE EARTH’S PRAYER

The earth has been suffering from the disease called war for ages,

The earth gazes at the mankind with helplessness,

She is crying with agony,

She prays to Almighty

To recover and forgiving her sons

 To transform into ideal animals, Ideal humans;

She prays to the Creator to scatter

The perfume of harmony among humans’ geography;

She prays to the Merciful Master of the universe

 For showering of peace in the country

 Of human mind;

She prays to the Savior to protect her from war

And to sow the seeds of swear

In the fields of gene and the minds of humankind

Not to fight.


173d64e97337c495aabd0a0b8aa59183UNDER A STARRY HEAVEN

I sat by a stream under a starry heaven,

The night’s eye found her face in the mirror of water,

I looked up and down again and again,

She smiled and all were being overwhelmed by her splendor;

The stream was laughing and dancing,

The breeze was singing,

And drawing fondling on our bodies and minds;

The whole valley bathed with the fountain of moonlight,

And wore the dress of delight.

Thoughts of romanticism were flying with wings

In the sky of my mind.

If my beloved were in this beautiful moment with me

How much better it would be!

Then thoughts of cosmos were flying with wings

In the sky of my mind.

How large the cosmos!

How many planets and stars!

And the thought-birds mind me the Almighty

And I said, how great the Creator!


Angela Kosta - Sindh CourierPrepared Angela Kosta Academic, journalist, writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, editor, translator, and journalist.



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