Home Books & Authors Maharaja Dahir – Resurgence of Sindh – Part-LIII

Maharaja Dahir – Resurgence of Sindh – Part-LIII

Maharaja Dahir – Resurgence of Sindh – Part-LIII

The English translation of a novel ‘Maharaja Dahir’ authored by Kolkata-based renowned novelist Debasree Chakraborti in Bengali language. The novel has been translated by Rajesh Giri


Year 2022

After a long anticipation, it is pouring outside today in Delhi, there is a very joyous atmosphere in the living room of Panchajanya’s house at Chittaranjan Park of this rain-soaked city.

Dadu shouts to his daughter in law i.e. to Panchjanya’s mother, “Bouma (affectionate address to in laws daughter), hurry up, serve the dinner as early as possible, we will leave for Jaisalmer by 10 pm. Hey, Dadubhai, when will Mithila come?  Chadha sir just called, they will reach in two minutes.”

Dadu jokingly looked at Nomesh Gopalani and said, “I will call you as Sabirbhai, okay?”

Nomesh Gopalani raised his hand and laughed in agreement. At that time, a car stopped outside the house, grandpa heard the sound and stood up and said, “Dadubhai, Mithila has arrived. Bauma, blow ulu  (ceremonial auspicious sound), our mother goddess Lakshmi is going to step into this house for the first time. Panchajanya’s mother said teasingly, “Why do you keep the conch shell left, let’s bring that too and blow it father.” Panchjanya opened the door, he saw Chadha sir. Dadu peeks in to see Mithila from the side. Chadda Sir and Haider entered the house laughing, followed by Mrs. Chadda, and finally Mithila. Dadu was excited to see Mithila and said, “Now I have found my daughter, come my daughter, let me hold your hand. Mithila is very placid in nature but she is emotional too. Dadu was speaking in Hindi, so she could comprehend his expression, her eyes filled with tears. As Dadu held her hands, she could no longer control her tears.

She remembered her Buddha baba. She placed her head on grandfather’s chest and started crying. Dadu also started crying. He said crying, “Granddaughter, I was unable to save my two sisters, I was their younger brother. So God sent my grandson to Pakistan to rescue you. All your sad days are over, look, I’m all ready, tonight we’ll be on our way to Jaisalmer, and there I will ask you from your family forever.”

Finding out the situation was getting very gloomy, Panchjanya’s father started blowing the auspicious conch shell and his mother accompanied him with ulu sound and said, “Uff, enough, there has been lot of crying, baba, now let the girl enjoy a little. Mithila, I made coffee for all of you, I was told by my son that Mr. Chadha loves cauliflower pakoras, so today I prepared cauliflower pakoras. Let’s all talk while eating. Panchjanya and Nomesh Gopalani brought pakoras and coffee on a tray and placed the tray on the table. It is raining outside and the living room is filled with the aroma of coffee and pakoras.

Panchjanya’s father has started to play the record of Santoor by Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma very softly. “How mesmerizing the environment around…” said Nomesh Gopalani as he sipped his coffee, “…feeling very relieved after a long time. But now the moment has come to discuss how this operation ‘Maharaja Dahirsen’ was done so well, it will be very healthy if we all share our own experience about how we have fulfilled each responsibility properly, then the whole matter will be clear. Chadha sir, you first open the Pandora’s box.”

Chadha Sir started, “the first phase of this operation had been started since Panchajanya get acquaintance with Abu Talib and the dairy of Surya Devi reached into his hand. We have had news for a long time that a Syrian businessman was supplying arms to Pakistan’s spy agencies and Islamic militant groups throughout Central Asia. Gradually his name and identity was cracked by us. While searching about his secret dossier we find out that he has a hobby of collecting ancient archaeological objects. Meanwhile we are informed that Maharaja Dahirsen used to write diaries, about which a puzzle has been extracted from the palace of one of his dignitaries. We came to know that China has been searching for this diary in Pakistan. If this diary goes in hand of China, they would auction it at a very high price. We suspected correctly that this responsibility would somehow be given to Abu Talib. Because this gentleman has become a very reliable person in Central Asia including Pakistan during these few years. We wanted to hit two birds with one arrow. One to kill Abu Talib and his associates and 2nd to recover the diary of Maharaja Dahirsen. Because the honour of our country is associated with him, we will never let him to be auctioned. Moreover, at this moment the Sindh Desh movement has also reached to its saturation. By the information coming to us from there, we felt that there were many people associated with Abu Talib who were involved in drug trade, trafficking of Hindu women and forced conversions in Sindh province. We wanted to end them together. Moreover, Basir Ahmed was our long time target. I saw the horribly mutilated body of Captain Kalia. How brutally he was killed!

Dadu said, “I got it, a Chakravyuh (death maze) was organized in Pakistan, to complete that this mission is designed. Right?”

—Yes, that’s right. Panchajanya messaged me one day that fifteen Islamic State militants were being sent from Syria to Sindh province. So accommodation and jobs should be arranged for them. We have many agents in Pakistan, using them I arranged accommodations and jobs for them. I wanted to know the purpose of their arrival, so hidden cameras and speakers were placed where they would stay before their arrival. The cameras and speakers were placed in such secret places that they couldn’t even find it. All the meetings and discussions happened in that room everything was known to us. Besides, one of our agents is Mithila’s sister Sanghamitra, she inserted a chip into the mobile phone of one of the conspirators named Ahmed, and so we could know everything that was discussed on Ahmed’s mobile phone. Panchajanya himself inserted a similar chip in Abu Talib’s mobile in the same way, and placed a hidden camera in Basir Ahmed’s house. So we had no difficulty in tracking them. From these secret conversations, we learned that the four human bombs will be sent to India and the bombs will be surgically implanted in their bodies, so that the detecting machines cannot even catch them, exactly similar way how al Qaeda attacks with human bombs. Meanwhile, my son Haider reached Pakistan.

Next we came to know about a madrasa in Tharparkar where helpless, orphaned Hindu children are brainwashed into human bombs. Haider entered there with a great acting skill and convinced them that he was set to be a human bomb to destroy India.

Haider was older than the others and mentally very mature, so as usual they chose him for this particular attack.

Dadu said with great curiosity, who are those ‘they’?

Raja Dahir - Bengali book
Maharaja Dahir – A novel authored by Debasree Chakraborti in Bengali language

‘They’ means the Pakistani spy agency. But the persons who were directly involved with this particular attack primarily are Abu Talib, Ahmed, Sarfarosh and Basir. These Sarfarosh and Ahmed worked together to abduct and convert girls from all over Sindh province, then Nikah of the girls were organized in front of the media, only to be trafficked after a few months, as was done with Mithila. This Ahmed also tried to use Mithila’s sister Sanghamitra, but Sanghamitra very heroically plotted Ahmed’s doom.

Through our hidden cameras and various devices we found out that a doctor in a hospital in Tharparkar will be going to plant all these bombs in the human body. Accordingly we target that doctor in Tharparkar, we also have our agents in the administration, army and in the police force in Pakistan. We got information through them that this doctor has been running organ trafficking business in Tharparkar area for a long time. With several proofs, our agents start blackmailing the doctor. That’s how we got him on track.

From where the foods for the Islamic State militants has been arranged, we mixed a certain drug in the meal of one of those fifteen which would cause terrible stomach aches. After eating that food, one of them starts getting extreme stomach-ache. Immediately he was admitted to Tharparkar Hospital. There, the bomb that was supposed to be implanted in Sanghamitra’s body was neatly implanted in the militant’s body and Sanghamitra was discharged after an operation on her appendix. When Haider was taken to the doctor, Haider was also operated on appendix. And the bomb that was supposed to be placed on Haider’s body was carefully hidden under the sand behind the house of Maulvi saheb of the madrasa where the goats are tied. All this was done in the dark of night without the knowledge of Maulvi sahib. Mithila was also rescued in the same way. The case regarding Mithila was overseen by Nomeshji. Mithila, tell us about your experience.

—That day I also went to the hospital with Basir Ahmed. I was sitting on a hospital bench when a burka clad woman approached me, and I don’t remember what happened next. When I regained consciousness I felt incredible pain in my stomach. Then I felt that I was doomed.

Thinking all these mentally I was suffering a lot , then a staff nurse approached me to push an injection and assured me that I should not be afraid, everything is fine. The nurse left and I fell asleep. Then Basir Ahmed and I returned to the bungalow together after recovering.

Dadu raised his hand and stopped Mithila and said, “it’s okay, you don’t have to say those things again.”

Panchjanya asked, “Sir, how did you reach Pakistan?”

—Those who were appointed to train those 15 militants were all local people. They were involved in the trade of leather if cows, they used to make and sell various beautiful objects made of leather. We send one of our men to them who offered them comparatively a large sum of money, in return for which they will make several goods of leather, which will be sent to Italy. Italy is now number one in leather business in the whole world, they buy good quality leather goods from these poor countries at a very low price and sell them under their brand names. They fell into our trap, to produce a large quantity of products in a short period of time, they have to work day and night, so they stopped giving training and solely started doing leather work. An official of the local administration took some of us to them one day and told them that we were from Afghanistan. We worked for Mujahideen for a long time, here we seek refuge for a few days. They can’t disbelieve us at all after seeing our pictures, they took some tests and we passed as usual, then we are assigned as trainers.

Panchajanya said, “in fact, refugees from all over the world are now being sheltered in Sindh province, so no one has any doubts about these matters. Moreover, people in Pakistan have absolutely no responsibility towards their own country, they can do whatever they want for money. That’s why we can work there without much hindrance.

Nomesh Gopalani added, “Moreover, the financial condition is at its verge, people are fighting for food items standing in the queue ration in Sindh province, mothers are selling their children for hunger. After a few years there will be no country called Pakistan anymore, Balochistan, Sindh, Gilgit, North Eastern Province all will declare independence.

Dadu became emotional and said, “Karma is inevitable, what they have done to Bangladesh! My family was a victim of that terrible day, I still can’t forget it!

Panchajanya tried to turn the conversation, “Sir, what about the diary of Maharaja Dahir and Surya Devi?”

—I have handed over these two documents to the Asiatic Society. Now they are looking at this. Hopefully, a new history will be written about this in the future.

—Papa, I don’t understand one thing, how did these two doctors die? And that night when you and I were loading those bodies in the truck, where were our other agents gone?

— Look, we have to eliminate a lot of evidence before completing any mission. Our other agents were covering that. The success of our next mission depends on the successful completion of this removal. And behind the death of the two doctors, there is contribution of a modern highly equipped weapon–A small pen. While talking to the target just by pressing the switch on the back of the pen causes a invisible light beam which falls on the target’s chest causing his heart to stop functioning within moments, in these cases we do no leave any proof. People can suspect anything, but no proof will come to them. This is how Mission Maharaja Dahirsen has been accomplished.

Dadu said, “There is still one more task to be done, only then, this mission will be completed.”

Chadha sir said, “I feel a great desire to meet Sanghamitra, I also want to know all the other members of the family that gave birth to two such brave girls.”

After having dinner, they all started for Jaishalmer. Three vehicles left for Jaisalmer that day. Panchjanya’s father, grandfather, mother and their driver were in one car. Mr. Chadha, Mrs. Chadha and Haider were in another car, this car was being driven by Mr. Chadha himself. And in another car, Nomesh Gopalani who himself was driving and Panchjanya and Mithila, they were sitting side by side on the back seat.

Nomesh Gopalani says, “When I drive, I don’t feel what is happening inside the car, I keep my whole mind outside the car. So you can talk to each other without worrying.

They laughed hearing Nomesh Bhai. Panchjanya held Mithila’s hand and said, “Mithila, I have told everything about you in my house. Our entire family was wiped out by these Khan soldiers. My Dadu thinks that her two sisters are reincarnated as Mithila and Sanghamitra. He sincerely believes that our meeting is all predestined. If our two hands get united by God’s will, the souls of his family members will find peace, they will be liberated forever.

—Panchajanya, I myself want to forget everything that happened in the previous chapter of my life. My buddha baba used to say—God delivers so much pain to make people strong and sophisticated. A man becomes a diamond by going through various adversities. I am ready to start all over from now on. By God’s blessings I got your family, Mrs. Chadha says she has two sons, so having me as daughter her wish has been fulfilled, and after some time I am going to meet my family. While staying with Basir Ahmed I desired a family life so badly, I thought it was foolish of me to want such a life. But look what a big family God presented me with you everything.

—And the biggest thing is that I don’t have a long meeting or a long acquaintance with you in that sense. But the feeling I sensed seeing you was never felt for any other girl before. Grandpa may be right. Everything is God’s will.

—You do theatre, right?

—Yes, I do theatre in Bapida’s troupe. From the stage of theatre I came in this path.

Nomesh Gopalani said with a smile, “Those who came to this path from theatre group all are basically directed by Bapida.”

—Yes, I had a doubt from the beginning, now I am confirmed from you.

—We have many such agents who deliver us the right kind of people. Now, you will see that Bapida will not even keep in touch with you. Such instructions are on him, so that no one has any doubts. You will see that someone else is playing the role you used to play in his direction.

Panchajanya doesn’t want to think about Bapida anymore, he thinks about Mithila, he starts imagining the moment when Mithila will be reunited with her family after so many years. On the other hand, Mithila is thinking, will her family accept her now? In the conservative society of Sindh, girls like them are called spoiled girls, stigmatized by society and family. Knowing everything, Panchjanya’s family giving her place in their family as the wife of their only child, such a generous mentality may be seen in Bengalis, thinking about all this, she controlled her mind, she thought if her family wouldn’t accept her then there is no problem, she has made a decision for herself, reaching Jaisalmir she will disclose that before everyone. Thinking all these, she fell asleep. In sleep she receives a secured shoulder and a soft sensible touch of a hand and goes into deep sleep.

Far away in the middle of the desert, the sun is rising, the camels on either side of the road have started their daily activities. As Nomesh Gopalani rolled down the car window, a mixed smell of desert and camel entered the car. Both Nomeshji and Mithila are Sindhis, so Nomeshji said in Sindhi language, wake up Mithila, the soil here also smells of Sindh. We already have entered into your ancestral village, and will reach their house in a little while.

Mithila blinked and looked outside and took a deep breath of peace.

Blowing the dust the car entered a village, flanked by yellow stone houses on both sides. Women are washing the front of the house with water veiling themselves up to neck. An old man was standing on the side of the road, Chadha sir stopped the car there and asked something to the old man, the old man directed somewhere with his hand. Then the car started moving again. Some distance away, in front of a house called Ramkunj, Chadha sir stopped the car and came out to see a woman; she was sweeping water in front of the house. The woman let him wait outside and went inside. By that time, Mithila got down from the car and stood next to Chadha sir. Because this is the moment she has waited with bated breath for, whether her family will accept her needs to be clarified quickly. In no time Mithila’s Bapu and Sanghamitra came out of the house. Seeing her Mithila’s Bapu started crying, he was crying with Mithila’s name, then he opens her hands wide enough  while crying, Mithila could no more control herself, she ran and started crying on her father’s chest, everyone watched this scene of father and daughter’s reunion with full heart. Sanghamitra was crying standing behind her father. Mehboob’s words came true. She was mentally prepared for this moment, but didn’t say anything to give her family a big surprise.

Chadha sir noticed Sanghamitra and said, “You are Sanghamitra, aren’t you?”

Sanghamitra nodded in agreement. At this moment Buddha baba came out of the house. Buddha baba looked at Sanghamitra and said, “I heard that Mithila has arrived, where Mithila is?”

Hearing the voice of the old man, Mithila said, “Buddha baba, after how long I heard your voice.” Buddha baba pulled Mithila to his chest and kept crying. When this family got their lost daughter back after such a long time, Panchjanya’s grandfather got down from the car and put his hand on the shoulder of Mithila’s Buddha baba and said, “ enough of crying, now let’s go inside, we have to fix the auspicious day.”

Buddha baba doesn’t understand Hindi, he stands awfully without understanding anything.

Then Nomesh Gopalani came forward and explained to him in Sindhi language

Without waiting to understand everything, he holds the hand of Panchjanya’s grandfather’s hand and take him inside. He is also very happy having a new friend at his old age. Everyone else followed them.

But Panchajanya, Mithila and Sanghamitra walked towards the desert, the sun shining on the desert projected all around with golden shade. They are three people sitting in the desert looking at the distant wilderness. Mithila introduced them on the way. After sharing all their experiences with each other while sitting they feel that somewhere they are connected with the same thread.  Panchajanya is getting peculiar resemblance of Maharaja Dahirsen with his family. It seems to him that several characters from the soil of Sindh of thousand years ago have risen up again from the soil of today’s Bharat. He saw himself as Jayasingh, Mithila as Surya Devi and Sanghamitra as Parimal Devi. At that time Maharaja Dahir could not save Sindh country, but his grandfather broke this invisible chain and united Sindh and Hind. Driven by his grandfather’s wisdom, he saved his motherland from such a big conspiracy, and was able to return their lost daughter to a family. Panchajanya was thinking all these, while Mithila said, “I will work for Chadha sir again, if necessary I will go to Pakistan again.” Sanghamitra said, “Didi, we have to move the Sindhu Desh movement forward. By fleeing this way, we have demonstrated our selfishness. No more, staying here, we have to help Mehboob.” Mithila said, “Absolutely, mother Sindhu is not well, if one Basir Ahmed dies, thousands are born, so we have to save our mother from them. Panchjanya will you be with us?”

Panchjanya said, “I know that until Sindh becomes independent, Maharaja Dahir’s soul will not rest. By any means, the Sindh movement should be taken forward.”

At such a time someone said from behind,— Jai Sindh Jai Hind. They looked back and saw Haider is standing.

Panchajanya jokingly said, “that’s called a spy, have come here following us.”

—Yes, your wedding day is being fixed there, elders are all talking, tell me what I would do there, so I left.

Haider came and sat next to Sanghamitra. This village is located right on the India Pakistan border, barbed wire can be seen in the distance, inside the barbed wire the Indian flag is flattering, a flock of white birds flew in front of that. They are looking at it. Like the hidden flow of river Saraswati through the desert, the currents of thousands of years ongoing Sindhu Desh movement between India and Pakistan grew stronger and stronger. As if the entire sky beyond the barbed wire get enveloped with thousands and thousands of red flags engraved with symbol Axe. It seemed from the other side of the barbed wire a voice is emerging out with unison, ‘We want Sindhu Desh.’ (Concludes)

Click here for Part-I Part-IIPart-III Part-IV Part-V Part-VI Part-VIIPart-VIII Part-IX Part-XPart-XIPart-XIIPart-XIII Part-XIV Part-XV Part-XVIPart-XVIIPart-XVIII Part-XIXPart-XXPart-XXI Part-XXIIPart-XXIII Part-XXIV Part-XXV Part-XXVIPart-XXVIIPart-XXVIIIPart-XXIXPart-XXX , Part-XXXI, Part-XXXIIPart-XXXIII Part-XXXIV Part-XXXV Part-XXXVI Part-XXXVII Part-XXXVIIIPart-XXXIXPart-XL #Part-XLI Part-XLII Part-XLIII Part-XLIVPart-XLV Part-XLVI Part- XLVII Part-XLVIII Part-XLIXPart-L Part-LI , Part-LII 


Debasree ChakarbortiDebasree Chakraborti is a renowned novel writer of Bengali language. Based in Kolkata, West Bengal, India, she has done Master’s in Modern History from the Kolkata University, and authored some thirty books, mostly the novels, with historical perspective and themes. Her most recent novel is ‘Maharaja Dahir’ that covers the history of Sindh from 662, the year of first attack on Sindh by the Arab armies till date.

Rajesh Giri - TranslatorRajesh Giri, born in Kolkata, had his early schooling from Kolkata and then from Medinipur—a village in Bengal. He graduated from Calcutta University with Physics and Maths and Master’s from Burdwan University in 2016. Now he is associated with Adhdhyaan educational institution teaching Physics. History enthusiastic Rajesh Giri is particularly interested in the ancient civilization of India and other regions like Egypt, Mesopotamia, and North America. He loves traveling.


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