In the beginning, nature supported men. Even today, it supports life on earth. But, by and by, man has come to stand in front of nature
Dr. Jernail S. Anand
Nature is the first creation of God. A support system for life. Generally, we think that objects of nature are lacking in the sensitivity which humans possess. But it is a wrong assumption because nature is imbued with original intelligence, which is required to complete its life mission. They do not think over the head. Knowledge as it was given to men, is missing from the objects of nature. They did not eat the fruit of knowledge, therefore, they are incorruptible. No buffalo can be made to give adulterated milk, or not supply entire milk, or keep it for the next day. Nothing of the sort. Birds sing when they want. Dogs mate when they wish. They have a system of survival which has beaten mankind. Men need wisdom and training in order to be even with birds and animals. Innocence is the greatest trademark of the world of nature. Even if they kill, it is never for sport.
Nature and Men
In the beginning, nature supported men. Even today, it supports life on earth. But, by and by, man has come to stand in front of nature, like an adversary. The mystery of creation has been decoded by man to a large extent. Science that explains the existing phenomenon, has captured majority of the secrets. The advance of science and technology over nature has given man more and more of comfort, but it has taken away from him, peace, joy and happiness, which still come from the company of nature. Forests, animals, birds – everything has been removed from the earth by the greedy caravans of men. Earth has been piped from below, and wired above, so that normal life cycle of nature too has been disturbed. Men have been added to the rivers and winds carry heavy loads of human carbon dioxide. There is an increased awareness on the part of men, to save the environment, but if they plant one tree in ten minutes, a thousand trees are wiped off in the same time. Destruction of the natural resources is going on unchecked. Man has turned a marauder. He is after nature, but in essence, he is on a suicidal mission.
Ik Rukh Sau Sukh [One tree, a hundred boons]
Trees have personal, social, psychological, economic and spiritual significance. In the past, the great Rishis who discovered wisdom were mostly living in the forests, on river banks. Here, it was easier to communicate with the divine forces, which is obstructed in human habitations.
What is lacking in Human Homes: Simple Wisdom
Man has no power to question back once he is brought into this world. He is left here with skinny provisions to make himself happy. But men respond to the divine dispensation with clumsiness. What is lacking in human homes is wisdom. Education opens their eyes but only upon themselves. Wisdom places them in the divine schemata, and tells them what is expected of them. I do not think too much dabbling into philosophy or spirituality is needed. Some basic facts need to be mastered. It will help man remain loyal to divine forces, and do his job on earth skillfully.
Trees have personal, social, psychological, economic and spiritual significance. In the past, the great Rishis who discovered wisdom were mostly living in the forests, on river banks
The most important thing is that man should realize his responsibility towards his Creator, and towards the fellow created beings. He needs to be in a compassionate bond with the co-creation. So many things come to him without his asking. Winds, waters, trees, vegetation, birds, and insects – he has to be thankful for all this. If we are happy to be given life and its joys, we should also be thankful for death, which wipes off everything one day. There are certain things that we get, certain things for which we aspire, and certain things which we fail to get. This failure plunges us into a state of loss, and we turn bitter.
What if we do not get certain things? If our efforts fail. Only we should remember that we are always in constant touch with divine forces which are not at all inimical to us. They are kind. They know what is good for us. They open only those doors opening which shall add to our happiness on this earth. There is no embargo on our desires, and wishes. But every wish is not answered. Hundreds of our wishes remain unfulfilled. It should not fill our minds with discontent. Rather, we should think that whatever happens on this earth and to us is directly in consonance with what the gods grant us or deny us. There is very little in the hands of men. Our ultimate destiny rests with the will of gods.
Dr. Jernail Singh Anand, President of the International Academy of Ethics, is author of 167 books in English poetry, fiction, non-fiction, philosophy and spirituality. He was awarded Charter of Morava, the great Award by Serbian Writers Association, Belgrade and his name was engraved on the Poets’ Rock in Serbia. The Academy of Arts and philosophical Sciences of Bari [Italy] honoured him with the award of an Honourable Academic. Recently, he was awarded Doctor of Philosophy [Honoris Causa] by the University of Engineering and Management, Jaipur. Recently, he organized an International Conference on Contemporary Ethics at Chandigarh. His most phenomenal book is Lustus: The Prince of Darkness [first epic of the Mahkaal Trilogy]. Email:
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