Of being, by being – A Poem from Korea

Korea Society
Painting Courtesy: Korea Society

Ju, Weonik

Ju Weonik KoreaJu, Weonik was born in Seoul in 1980. In 2007, he made his debut in the autumn issue of Munhakdongne, a quarterly literary magazine, and subsequently published his first poetry collection, entitled “To Be,” in 2014, through the same publishing house.

Throughout his work, Ju endeavors to explore the language that conveys symbols and the concept of ‘work’ as a process that encompasses an infinite array of creative and destructive imagery. For him, the act of writing poetry is not an ultimate goal in itself. Rather, it serves as a means to express a unique life, comparable to drawing a mandala that expands and assimilates personal experiences.

Byeon, Euisu

Byeon KoreaByeon, Euisu is a Korean poet. He published his first poetry book, “The Distant City of Memories,” in 1991. In February 1996, he began his official career as a poet with the publication of his works in “Modern Poetry Studies.” Since then, he has been a leading figure in unconscious symbolism, with his second poetry book, “When the Moon Rises, Trees Have an Arched Chest,” published in 2002, and his subsequent work on unconscious symbolism. He published his third book of poetry, a collection of long poems titled “The Symbolism of the Unconscious: Nature, Spirits, and Symbols,” in 2008, followed by his fourth poetry book, “The Parrot in the Black Sun,” as well as his first book of literary criticism, “Waiting for a Flock of Fantasies: The Symbolism of the Unconscious.” He has also written a collection of essays on symbolism and symbols, titled “Symbols and Symbols, Invasion and Resistance.” Since then, he has focused on “meta-semiotics,” an extension of unconscious symbolism. He published his second and third books of literary criticism, “Artists Called by God” and “Schizophrenia and Poets,” in 2009, as well as a book on art criticism titled “Understanding Seo Sang-hwan and Contemporary Art” in 2010. In 2013, he published “Seo Sang-hwan’s Art Symbols: Meeting Park Sang-ryong’s Novels and Byun Yi-soo’s Poems,” a book of art criticism. He also published “Convergence Studies: Symbolism” in two volumes in 2015, in which he presents “symbolism” as an independent emerging academic field. In 2021, he founded and served as publisher and editor in chief of the poetry magazine “Institute of Symbology Research”

[This is a co-created poem, written by Mr. Ju, Weonik and composed by Mr. Byun Eui-su]

Of being, by being

Polar land

Snow field of no return

Time opens

The beginning of the end

As something that disappears

The abandoned sentence is

Not coming back

The brighter it is,

The less it can reveal you

The more it burns,

The closer I can get.

The flower of fire

Spreads to the ashes of the night


I can’t write down

On a blank piece of paper

That cannot be return

Burned sky

Dazzling with nothing

Branch of light

Absence or

Of being

Fantasy with body

Opening of absence

In the collapsing ruins,

Can’t start destruction

The light

Doesn’t shine

Trapped in ruins

Light rises

From the moving ruins

Transparent tomb

The wind

That swallowed the ashes

You are

It was said that it was a broken name

It was said to be a love that swallows up its light


By being of words

Can’t remember

Evil image of heaven



I feel thirsty

Biting one’s lips

Empty space

Light is falling on the sea

Blue light overflowing

Broken watchtower

In the bed of the storm

Wakes up


Korea있음의, 있음으로

주원익변의수 시인

시편은 주원익 시인이 시문을 작성하고,

변의수 시인이 시문을 구성한 공동창작 시편이다



돌아오지 않는 설원

시간이 열린다

끝의 시작

사라지는 있음으로

버려진 문장은

돌아오지 않는다

당신을 밝힐 없다


다가설 없다


밤의 재로 번져가는



적을 없다

돌아갈 없는

백지 위에서

불타버린 하늘

없음으로 눈부신

빛의 가지



몸을 가진 환상

부재의 열림

무너져가는 폐허에서

파괴를 시작할 없다


빛나지 않는다

폐허에 갇혀 있다

움직이는 폐허에서

빛은 떠오른다

투명한 무덤

잿더미를 삼킨



그것의 부스러진 이름이라고 말해졌다

그것의 빛을 삼키는 사랑이라고 말해졌다


말의 있음

기억할 없다

천계의 악상

눈물 먹은

목마름이 차오른다

입술을 물고 있는


바다에 빛이 깔리고 있다

흘러 넘치는 푸른

부서진 망루

폭풍의 침대에서




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