An emotion is a fleeting experience
And if we let it fleet away
Leaving us behind
As a train does to a station,
It does not hurt.
Dr. Jernail Singh Anand, a renowned poet and writer from Chandigarh, India, shares his mystic poetry
Dr. Jernail S. Anand is a Chandigarh-based socialist campaigner, an ideologue who heads the International Academy of Ethics and authored 170 books. Winner of the international award Charter of Morava, his name is inscribed on Poets’ Rock in Serbia. A rare achievement for an Indian author, who was the only one to be honoured by the Serbian Writers Association after Rabindranath Tagore in 1926] Contact:
An emotion is a fleeting experience
And if we let it fleet away
Leaving us behind
As a train does to a station,
It does not hurt.
However deep, charming, or beautiful,
An emotion must be enjoyed
And then,
Allowed to become
A part of our memories
We are the tragic heroes of this epic
We catch a moment
Like it,
And don’t stop churning it
Till it is finally killed or it finally kills us.
Trees love the birds that stay
In them, chirp, make love
And prosper,
And a day comes
When they just take the flight
Have you ever heard the tree grieving?
Or the birds feeling let down
Or raising an accusing finger?
Birds don’t argue
Nor trees hold courts to arraign them.
Only humans stretch a moment
To the breaking point
And keep it alive
Till it loses its charms,
Births trauma and chronicles a tragedy.
When has the world come to your doors
To ask for favours?
Whatever you have done
It was your inner compulsion.
World, houses, people, jobs,
Movement, fights, transport
You and your very own,
All are stand aloof
They come to life
And start threatening you
Only when you expect
Something from them.
A river is just flowing away
And a road is lost in its dreams
If you do not fiddle with them,
There will be no casualty
Don’t try the people should
Act as you wish
Nor try to change
The way they think
Nobody will contradict you
Rather you will find the world
A wonderful Place
And people, cast in God’s image
But if you carry expectations,
And if you tell the dreamy world
Of your dreams
You are on the wrong foot
Now the world will come to life
Start looking for you
And will not regain its indifferent powers
Till it has brought down all your expectations.