Home Public Opinion Save animals for the sake of humanity

Save animals for the sake of humanity

Save animals for the sake of humanity
Image courtesy: Times of India

We strongly need to start campaign with slogan “Save animals for the sake of humanity”

CamelI was shocked while scrolling my social media accounts last month when I saw a camel crying and shouting with pain because one landlord chopped off camel’s leg because the animal was grazing in his fields. That incident happened in Sanghar district of Sindh and now an incident of same nature took place in Chinnot district of Punjab where a landlord killed female donkey by ripping open its stomach with a sickle as the punishment for scavenging in his Fields.

Where are we going? What has happened to us? Where is humanity? Why we have become so cruel? Why we don’t think that animals can also feel pain, suffering and stress just like humans. Once Pope Francis said, “The way we treat animals is a test of our humanity.”

We strongly need to start campaign with slogan “Save animals for the sake of humanity” and in this campaign, the government should also participate. There should be strict punishment for those who hurts animal. Wildlife department and officials concerned are requested to pay attention and save animals.

Anthony Sahotra

Larkana Sindh Pakistan 


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