Supreme Court of Tajikistan bans 29 parties, groups and movements


The 29 parties, groups, movements, trends, and associations have been recognized as terrorist and extremist organizations


The Supreme Court of Tajikistan informs citizens that by court decisions, 29 parties, groups, movements, trends, and associations have been recognized as terrorist and extremist organizations, and their activities are prohibited in the territory of Tajikistan, reports the Khovar news agency.

The websites of the following parties, groups, movements, trends, and associations have been blocked as terrorist and extremist organizations, and the import of their literature is also prohibited:

  1. “Islamic Renaissance Party”, 2. “Al-Qaeda” organization, 3. “Islamic Movement of Eastern Turkestan”, 4. “Islamic Party of Turkestan” (formerly “Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan”), 5. “Taliban” movement, 6. “Muslim Brotherhood” organization, 7. “Lashkar-e-Taiba” organization, 8. “Islamic Group” (“Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan”), 9. “Jamaat-e-Tabligh” organization, 10. Religious missionary organization “Sozmoni Tabligot” (“Call to Islam”), 11. “Free Tajikistan” (“Tajikiston Ozod”), 12. “Hizb ut-Tahrir” organization, 13. “Hizb-ut-Tahrir” organization, 14. Religious trend “Salafism”, 15. Society “Ansarulloh”, 16. Public movement “Group 24”, 17. “Islamic State” organization (Islamic State of Iraq and Sham), 18. “Jabhat al-Nusra” (“Jabhat an-Nusra”), 19. “National Alliance of Tajikistan”, 20. “Sacred War” (Al-Jihad, Egyptian Islamic Jihad), 21. Society for Social Reforms (Jamiyat al-Isloh al-Ijtima’i), 22. Society for the Revival of Islamic Heritage (Jamiyat Ikhoyat Turaz al-Islami), 23. “House of the Two Holy” (Al-Haramayn), 24. “Jund al-Sham” (Army of Greater Syria), 25. “Islamic Jihad-Jamaat Mujahideen” organization, 26. Extremist community “Jehovah’s Witnesses”, 27. “Pamir daily news” organization (Pamir DailyNews) or “Pamir news” (Pamir News), 28. Terrorist-extremist organization “Islamic State of the Khorasan Region”, 29. Extremist organization “New Tajikistan 2”

The information notes that in accordance with legislation, the creation and activities of public associations and political parties that propagate racial, national, social, and religious enmity or call for the violent overthrow of the constitutional system and the organization of armed groups are prohibited.

In Tajikistan, the activities of political parties of other states are prohibited, as well as the creation of parties of a national and religious nature, and the financing of political parties by foreign states and organizations, foreign legal entities, and citizens.

Unfortunately, groups and associations appear in society that violate laws, commit a large number of terrorist-extremist crimes, provoke hatred and enmity, sow discord and dissatisfaction among the population, including using the media, thereby obstructing the peaceful life of citizens and public safety.

The creation of terrorist-extremist organizations contradicts the Constitution and other current laws; their goal is to violate the rights and freedoms of citizens, call for the violent overthrow of the constitutional system, and harm sovereignty, territorial integrity, and state security, using the Islamic religion, media, and other social networks.

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Therefore, in criminal legislation, a number of actions have been recognized as crimes, for which criminal liability and punishment are provided. In particular, Article 307, paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tajikistan establishes punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of seven to ten years with the deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of two to five years for organizing the activities of political parties, religious associations, or other organizations, in respect of which a court has issued a final decision on their liquidation or prohibition of activities due to the implementation of extremist activities.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of this article, participation in the activities of political parties, religious associations, or other organizations, in respect of which a court has issued a final decision on their liquidation or prohibition of activities due to the implementation of extremist activities, as well as providing assistance in their activities using mass media, the Internet, or other means (liking, supporting distribution or propaganda, agitation of ideas) is punishable by imprisonment for a term of five to eight years.

Also, in Article 307 clause 4 of the Criminal Code, organizing education or a study group of a religious-extremist nature, as well as leading or participating in such education, regardless of the place of education, is punishable by imprisonment for a term of eight to twelve years.

Part 2 of the mentioned article, for the same offense committed using an official position related to financing such groups, establishes punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of twelve to fifteen years, with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of five years. Tajikistan, being one of the initiators in the fight against extremism and terrorism, condemns all kinds of calls related to the violation of territorial integrity and state security, the division of unity, and the incitement of religious enmity.

Citizens of the country need to know that everyone is obliged to observe the Constitution and laws, respect the rights, freedoms, honor, and dignity of other people. Ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility. It should be remembered that the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen are inseparable from the obligations of the individual. In exercising their rights and freedoms, everyone must fulfill certain obligations imposed on them.

Therefore, every citizen is obliged to properly understand the mentioned tasks and not allow their children and loved ones to follow the unhealthy and provocative beliefs (opinions) of these associations, to be deceived by their hostile ideas, propaganda, and agitation, and provocative promises.

Since the views and ideology of such organizations and terrorist-extremist trends have nothing to do with the Islamic religion and Hanafi creed, and the propagandists of these associations and groups, using Islam for their selfish purposes, misinterpret the norms of the Quran and traditions.

It is precisely for the purpose of raising the sense of national pride, piety, and self-awareness of the people, as well as educating the present generation, that the primary duty of citizens should be to study and master the great moral and spiritual heritage.

Every citizen of the country, especially the youth, is obliged and responsible for never, under any circumstances, betraying their homeland, people, and their state. Not to be deceived by the propaganda and agitation of enemies and traitors of the people, it is stated in the commentary to the decisions of the Supreme Court of Tajikistan.


Courtesy: Central Asian Light (Posted on May 27, 2024)



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