Nature offers solutions, and science validates them. Let us embrace the best of both worlds for a healthier future
Dr. J Ravikumar Stephen G.
Before understanding how turmeric can aid in cancer treatment, it is essential to first understand what cancer is. Our body is a complex community of independent cells, each performing its designated function under the central command of the brain. This communication occurs through neurotransmitters, which facilitate electrochemical signals between cells. Every cell has a natural lifespan and is programmed to undergo apoptosis (natural cell death) after a certain period.
However, some cells become rogue and refuse to undergo this programmed cell death. While every cell has an auto-destruction mechanism, some fail to respond to these internal commands—similar to how humans seek longevity. The brain recognizes these malfunctioning cells and attempts to trigger their destruction, but in some cases, these cells resist these signals and continue to survive within the body.
As long as these rogue cells remain isolated, they do not pose a significant threat. However, when they begin clustering and influencing nearby cells to behave similarly, they initiate what we call cancerous growth. This unchecked proliferation of abnormal cells is what leads to the development of cancer.
Faith, Medicine, and the Role of Natural Remedies
There exists a sect of theists who believe that one should rely solely on prayer rather than medicine, while some atheists mock such beliefs, arguing that even those who visit hospitals for treatment ultimately place their trust in science rather than divine intervention.
Interestingly, I recently came across a passage in the Roman Catholic Bible that caught my attention:
“Give honor to the physician, for you need him, and it was God Himself who established him. Healing, in fact, comes from the Sovereign God … God created medicinal herbs that grow on Earth, and a sensible person will not despise them. It is God who gives medical knowledge to people… The physician uses it to heal and comfort, and the pharmacist prepares the medicine. Consult the physician; remember that he was established by God, so do not disregard him, for you need him. There are cases when good health depends on physicians, for they, too, will pray to God to grant them the grace to relieve and heal, in order to save lives.” – (Sirach 38:1-14)
Whether one attributes the existence of turmeric to divine creation, as theists do, or to nature, as atheists believe, the fact remains that turmeric has profound medicinal value.
Scientific Evidence on Turmeric’s Role in Cancer Prevention
Recent research has shown that curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, possesses powerful anti-cancer properties. Laboratory studies have demonstrated that curcumin can kill cancer cells in certain types of cancer and prevent their further growth.
Indian cuisine follows the philosophy of food as medicine, which is why turmeric is an essential ingredient in many traditional dishes.
Incorporating Turmeric for Cancer Prevention and Recovery
– If you have a family history of cancer, consider consuming a small amount of raw turmeric daily to help prevent the proliferation of rogue cells that may lead to cancer.
– If you are a cancer survivor, increase your turmeric intake—either in raw or powdered form—as a complementary measure alongside your prescribed medications to help combat the disease effectively.
Nature offers solutions, and science validates them. Let us embrace the best of both worlds for a healthier future.
Read: A Culinary Journey: Unveiling the Rich Heritage of Poha and Its Dravidian Roots
Dr. J Ravikumar Stephen G., is the Founder, Dravidianism Revival Centre, Peace Coalition of the People of South Asia, and Sages of the New Covenant. He is also the Presiding Bishop of General Convention of the Episcopal Churches in Southern and South Eastern Asia. The Dravidianism Revival Centre is located in Badlapur, Greater Thane Maharashtra, India.