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War: Industry of poverty and hunger out of nothing!!

War: Industry of poverty and hunger out of nothing!!

War is defined in international law in simple way as the phenomenon of organized collective violence that negatively affects either the relationships between two or more societies or the balance of power within a society.

Dr. Hassan Humeida

One of the indicators of the backwardness of peoples in modern times is the outbreak of war instead of peace.

War is defined in international law in simple way as the phenomenon of organized collective violence that negatively affects either the relationships between two or more societies or the balance of power within a society.

Various methods of torture are used in war, including psychological warfare, physical warfare, or both.

War reaches its magnitude when a hostile state or armed militias carry out death, which is forbidden in all monotheistic religions, by force of arms, and rather before killing, imprisonment, torture and rape.

War serves to create enmity between the members of a peaceful society, to deepen it, to cover societies with dark clouds of injustice, at the end of which innocent people, especially children, women and old people, fall as victim. War victims are primarily the weak groups in society who are not to blame. What is more horrible is that war does not recognize people with special needs.

Here, let’s put the hardest and most important thing in one line and no more: In war, the executioners don’t look at the innocent people around them, since they see all people in front of them as enemies.

They do not ask “whether he is a baby or a teenage boy, whether there is a teenage girl or a menstrual period, whether it is a pregnant woman or a breastfeeding mother” – Situations that can touch the soul, move people’s sympathy with honor. Situations that make every person think for a drop of mercy.

Unfortunately, this feeling of “compassion”, of “humanity” does not exist in the soul of the war advocates in the hearts of the executioners or in their conscience.

Killings and atrocities are committed because of the brainwashing to which some of them were subjected during training periods.

They were completely brainwashed – Some of them because of the numerous deaths caused by a single person, and some of them through the strong influence of chemical agents and substances such as exposure of alcohol, drugs, and pills.

In war, the warrior “who used to be a human” is transformed into another being who is no longer knows himself. He becomes as a creature that protrudes above the animal in his aggression towards other people in front of him because the warrior sees all people standing before him who are not loyal to him as enemies.

For a quick comparison, we find in hearts of many creatures an abundance of compassion for their species. For example, when we look at birds on the branches, or for fishes in the depths of the seas, or monkeys in the depths of the forests, we realize that they differ from people in their dealings with one another.

We find that sometimes they are hostile to one another, but differ in the way they display their hostility. They all agree on one thing, united by their love for their own kind and affection for one another. This is despite the existence of a strong system that rules them and organizes their lives. The existence of a hierarchical system from the strongest to the weakest in the societies in which they live – who has the last word in their society, who has full powers, who decides on the division, distribution and order of the group. Their first and last goal is to remain coherent in order to face other enemies of a different kind.

We find the “alpha animal” in it because it is an animal that is characterized by strength, prestige, knowledge and experience and has the right to lead. Compared to humans, we find different systems among the members of a society that are based on loyalty to family, friends, relatives and loved ones. Here we find rampant bribery and nepotism and ignore the disadvantage and malaise of the people, despite the fact that there is sufficient evidence of offenses that lead to conviction on the basis of criminalization.

These are, in brief, the characteristics of the unjust man of whose existence even animals can be ashamed who divides the prey of his group equally and fairly and knows neither loyalty nor unjust allocation.

One more note: In our school class, for example, each of us experienced and acted out a story of the “alpha person” who was entrusted with several tasks in the absence of the class teacher, such as maintaining order in the class.

War is the most atrocious way to create poverty and hunger and misery.

Because of war, people cannot live in security and dignity in their own territories and regions.

Sometimes, war spreads and breaks out like wildfire, reaching capitals and big cities, despite the presence of barracks, the task of which is to protect people, these cities and their facilities.

War-2War takes a different form in the countryside and in villages, which can be large explosions, the victims of which can become larger groups of afflicted people that herald greater vengeance.

Back to war and its role in creating poverty and hunger: Both “poverty and hunger” can arise when farmers and ranchers are prevented from doing their work freely. Without ensuring the safety of farmers, they cannot sow, harvest or market their products. And where ranchers have no security, they cannot graze, feed or market their cattle.

This threat is very common in many poorer countries where civil unrest is dominant. After several years of absence, this phenomenon and threat have resurfaced like a ghost in many parts of poor countries.

A serious threat to the existence of people in places where armed robbery is afflicting farmers and ranchers and their property in their workplaces and homes. The specter of armed attack seems to drive peasants and shepherds away, in more than one place in each affected country. They steal their little money, their simple means of communication (cell phones), and their agricultural and animals possessions after a harvest or grazing season and in broad daylight. All of these threats are nothing more than the paved way to create poverty and hunger from nothing.

Let us mention again here, and as I have already done in previous articles, that both farmers and ranchers are the breadwinners of the “food security” of nations.

If there is no security for them, an entire society will live in situations of poverty and hunger, and perhaps permanently, especially when the threat to both of them is at the beginning of the rainy season or during the harvest and grazing season. The sure way that leads to internal conflict that turns into war.

It is the government’s duty to provide security for farmers and ranchers so that poverty and hunger can be avoided. There should be direct protection for the farmer and the rancher, with the presence of security guards “military / police” who protect them, so that their products cannot be reproduced or stolen.

Military or police barracks must be near the production areas and facilities and communication with them should be easy. The states should buy agricultural and livestock products at lucrative prices, thereby encouraging them to work, produce and expand their businesses in own fields.

This is the social justice that the international community strives for in any state towards its own people in order to advance the economically marginalized groups and to fight poverty and hunger globally from the roots. What is particularly important in the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and high on the list is the first goal: eradicating poverty and the second goal: eradicating hunger, out of one hundred and sixty-nine sub-goals and seventeen main goals to achieve them within the next nine years.

We stress here that the duty of the army and police in each country is to protect, not threaten lives of civilians and, among civilians are the productive groups who are considered to be the most marginalized in modern societies.

The protective forces of a country are subject to duty – tasks and work, namely to stand ready and protect the defenseless in the countryside in the villages, in any place and at any time.

They are fully responsible for any failure related to “ensuring food security in all phases” and preventing threats from emerging in areas, particularly those which have become fertile ground for civil war and which lay solid foundations for war.

We are currently seeing that many areas of land and villages are being burned down here and there in order to drive farmers and ranchers from their homes – the trend is increasing, which makes the fight against global poverty and hunger extremely difficult.

We must understand the matter before Judgment Day comes and those responsible are found and the allegations of the commission of crimes and the massacres of human rights continue.


The author, originally hailing from Sudan, is Professor at a university in Kiel, Germany. He is member of South Korea-based Asia Journalists Association

Courtesy: The AsiaN