Ahimsak ((The Non-Violent Hero) – Mystic Poetry from India


The fictional name of my hero

Is Ahimsak

The world praised him

For his stand against violence.

Dr. Jernail Singh Anand, a renowned poet and writer from Chandigarh, India, shares his mystic poetry

Jernail Singh Anand- Sindh CourierDr. Jernail Singh Anand, based in Chandigarh, is an Indian poet and scholar credited with 170 plus books of English literature, philosophy and spirituality. He won great Serbian Award Charter of Morava and his name adorns the Poets’ Rock in Serbia. He was honored with Seneca Award LAUDIS CHARTA by Academy of Arts & Philosophical Sciences, Bari, Italy 2024. He is Founder President of the International Academy of Ethics and conferred Doctor of Philosophy (Honoris Causa) by University of Engineering & Management, (UEM) Jaipur. Email anandjs55@yahoo.com 

Biblio-link: https://sites.google.com/view/bibliography-dr-jernal-singh/home   

nonviolence-logoAHIMSAK (The Non-Violent Hero)

He was an ideological die hard


Animal? Human?

No. Never.

He organized many movements

For spreading the idea

Of Ahimsa

I am not talking of Mahatma Gandhi.

The fictional name of my hero

Is Ahimsak

The world praised him

For his stand against violence.

Upon his death,

Those who could see out there

It was a shocking scene

He was dragged by the hair

They bypassed Purgatory

And reached the gates of Hell

Greeted by Lustus and Faustus

To the constant ringing of a weird bell.

A chargesheet

Was then issued against him

Which said: physical violence

Is not the only violence

Honoured with State Awards,

He carried a tragic flaw

He talked good and acted evil

And practiced a hoax on the divine law.



I am not a man,

I am a dress


At the most

An address.

Be satisfied how I look

And also

What I say

Even what I do

That is what I am to you

Eyes do not go deeper

Than my skin

And words only paint

What eyes see

And what you can understand

Am I not only a formality?

You understand me

Because you know my vocabulary

Limited is my range

Nothing is strange

Suspend your eyes

Your words which try to describe me

And your ears which understand

Only the customed images

Cease if you want to seize me

Rise from apologies to the facts

Which lie hidden below

These words

And emotions

Which our hearts plough.




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