I sent an SOS message to God

He deputed angels

Who came running

It was God’s Emergency service. 

Dr. Jernail Singh Anand, a renowned poet and writer from Chandigarh, India, shares his mystic poetry

Jernail Singh Anand- Sindh CourierDr. Jernail Singh Anand, based in Chandigarh, is an Indian poet and scholar credited with 170 plus books of English literature, philosophy and spirituality. He won great Serbian Award Charter of Morava and his name adorns the Poets’ Rock in Serbia. He was honored with Seneca Award LAUDIS CHARTA by Academy of Arts & Philosophical Sciences, Bari, Italy 2024. He is Founder President of the International Academy of Ethics and conferred Doctor of Philosophy (Honoris Causa) by University of Engineering & Management, (UEM) Jaipur. Email 



I sent an SOS message to God

He deputed angels

Who came running

It was God’s Emergency service.  


They found me all okay

No leg was broken

Head too was shapely

I could talk and remember everything


What is your problem?

They asked me

Finding me in good health

Why this alarm?


My heart is a bivouac of wishes

My mind a chiding chill

My whims are running riot

My passions, never still


I am my greatest enemy

It is I who did hijack

My self from me

And kept it in a burning sack


Save me from the passions

These fires which engulf me

I am a hive of guilt

A river choked with silt


The took me to hell

And loosed devils upon me

He is an offshoot of Faustus

Tainted blood, deserves no mercy.


Commonly-Misused-Words-and-Phrases-480x320MALTREATING WORDS AND METAPHORS

When we are in anger

We speak loudly

And often break the objects

Lying on the table

That is how we vent our anger

And this is how

These broken objects

Help us return to equilibrium.


That is what an ordinary person does

He can also hit his dog

Or fight his wife

And most of the times

The anger falls like hot balls

On the kids, if it does not flow

In tears,

Drenching the pillow.


What poet does when in anger?

He has words, phrases,

Metaphors and similes

When normal,

Moons, mountains winds

Carry celestial messages

But when in anger

He hits these images hard


Words start crying, images sighing

Metaphors look for

A safe perch

And similes caught by the hair

Are turned upside down

Meanings, fear stricken, herd afar

From the poet

In possession of Rahu, a malefic star.


Read: Of Good Evil and God – Mystic Poetry from India


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