Crime runs in human veins like a parallel blood steam. Touch anyone, you will find him absorbed in some sort of criminal activity
Dr. Jernail S. Anand
“Who are our heroes and role-models? Men who can create wealth, fair or foul. We are the immoral mass who are responsible for the Fall.”
Crime in society, western, eastern or Middle East, is rampant, and those who commit crimes, are not unlettered mass from ghettoes, but highly educated people, coming from the elite. Crime runs in human veins like a parallel blood steam. Touch anyone, you will find him absorbed in some sort of criminal activity. It is not goodness, to my surprise, but crime which comes most naturally to mankind. And, you might wonder, crime has no existence in animal blood. It is a mental game which starts with ‘a little knowledge’. Knowledge is not so much about the phenomenon, as it has helped mankind in turning criminal at every step of human activity. The most serious thing about crime is that even when we are committing it, we have no feeling of anything being amiss. Crime is a natural activity, we commit and forget, and the worst thing is: we feel no qualms after committing it. What makes us exonerate ourselves from any sense of guilt is the larger frame of actors. Ordinary men who are taught honesty as the best policy, find such proverbs empty of any sense, when they see their elders, their leaders ever busy in making money, spinning power, and committing foul, and yet, the law is passed. It does not speak against them. So, if they have every right to do what they want, why should ordinary people worry about aberrations in human character? Rather, they feel justified and when someone tells them that they are criminals, they smile back. If somebody is arrested for any sort of crime, who is convicted but the ordinary helpless people. The system itself is crime-ridden. The worst offenders know how to hoodwink the law and come out unscathed.
Films makers go to extra length to pick up those areas of life which are in the dark, i.e. marital trespass, gay love, etc. All these things prepare our mind for a society which is crime ridden.
Ordinary man is scared of crime only in papers. The reality is that he has realized that big or small, men are always thinking of frauds. Governments are the greatest agencies which believe in and promote crime. In fact, politics cannot be done without indulging in crime. Adversaries are treated as enemies and just eliminated. To remain in power, leaders do not mind stoking fires of communalism, casteism and what not. If no law convicts them, it automatically means what they do is justified. Then how can smaller fry by accused of these crimes? This feeling of security from penal action is at the root of the multiplication of crime in society. The authorities justify it and law does not resent it.
Read: A Call or Cry? Getting Used to Crime
Crime Orientation
Crime is not an instant development. We develop love and liking for crime over the years. The videos that we see as small kids are full of violence. Then, as grownups, we choose only the films which are 18+, with violence, sex, nudity, drugs and foul language etc. Every film has a rape scene, and several murders. Otherwise, it does not satisfy our taste buds. Films makers go to extra length to pick up those areas of life which are in the dark, i.e. marital trespass, gay love, etc. All these things prepare our mind for a society which is crime ridden.
Our sense of morality has been badly diluted. For us, immoral behaviour lies only when some man or woman trespasses into an illicit relationship
When a TV ads say: smoking is injurious to health, does it not mean that drugs, sex, violence, rapes, murders are not injurious to health. This is the message which is being silently flashed. Those who talk blatantly of jealousy and disharmony, go unchecked. How tolerant we are! And our judicial systems keep sleeping when people in authority are committing worst crimes.
Read: The Cultural Imbroglio and the Society under Transformation
Dilusion in Sense of Morality
Our sense of morality has been badly diluted. For us, immoral behaviour lies only when some man or woman trespasses into an illicit relationship. That is immoral. And we assault them with all types of abuses. But when a man bungles the faith of the people, takes bribes, plays foul with law, leaks papers, and then, papers them over, – a hundred crimes are committed by men in power, but that is not considered immoral. We do not cry when laws are bypassed, by the powerful. We let things happen. And this makes us also guilty of immoral conduct.
Read: The Negative Impact of Violent Films on Society
Rising Graph of Crime
Why is the graph of crime rising in society? Because we have lost our sensitivity to crime. It is the age of insensitivity. If a person is not taking care of his duties, if he is trespassing, if he is taking illegal gratification, and making property after property – he is a hero, a role model. How can honesty, goodness, truth stand in the face of the immoral gang? Particularly, when they are supported by state power and the law?
We have removed the best matter from syllabus, and filled our books with rotten stuff. We are the real perpetrators of crimes.
The Real Supporter of Crime
Crime is a bitter crop of moral negligence. It is said: eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. If we have lost our good sense, and if the society is turning criminal as a whole, and if honesty and goodness are in sharp minority, on the brink of extinction, if the dream life of the nation is tainted with dreams of wealth and prosperity, and if young minds see before their eyes the good being sent to jails and the worst enjoying the cake, we are the real supporters and breeders of crime. We are an invigilant society, which finds nothing at stake if things are going the wrong way. Money is a conduit, not the final value. Job is a conduit, not the final value of education. We have removed the best matter from syllabus, and filled our books with rotten stuff. We are the real perpetrators of crimes. We who have lost the sense of right and wrong. We who do not stop our young men when they think amiss. We who consider as our heroes and role-models people who have risen the stairs of success bypassing the law and abridging the moral sense. We are the immoral mass who are responsible for the fall.
Dr. Jernail Singh Anand, President of the International Academy of Ethics, is author of 170 books in English poetry, fiction, non-fiction, philosophy and spirituality. He was awarded Charter of Morava, the great Award by Serbian Writers Association, Belgrade and his name was engraved on the Poets’ Rock in Serbia. The Academy of Arts and philosophical Sciences of Bari [Italy] has honoured him with the Seneca Award Laudis Charta. He was awarded Doctor of Philosophy [Honoris Causa] by the University of Engg and Management, Jaipur. He organized an International Conference on Contemporary Ethics at Chandigarh and another Interdisciplinary International Conference on Values, Culture and Ethics & World Poetry Conference VI at Pune [14-15 Oct. 2024]. His most phenomenal books are Lustus: The Prince of Darkness [first epic of the Mahakaal Trilogy] and Philosophia de Anand [a compilation of his ten works of philosophy]. Email:
Dear Jernail, this is a satanic world where only the god of money stands as a simulacrum. Unfortunately, there is no escape until social media, even through a hyper-diabolical tool like smartphones, have infiltrated everywhere, instilling in people’s heads that they are losers if they do not have enough money. The whole system is well designed towards the perdition of collective ethics and individual morality when true values are collapsing and false myths are emerging in a stratospheric way. We should look for the other way: not that of preaching morality, but that of making it imagined as the disruptive force of the universe. Feeling like an incarnate man-god brings out the deep conscience and releases light around, only in this way can man rise from bestiality to the light of humanity.