Lingering issue of Headmasters in Sindh

Lingering issue of Headmasters in Sindh

Lingering issue of Headmasters in SindhThe Headmasters are forced to reappear in commission because BPS 17 posts are filled by SPSC. Then question arises that who gave contract to IBA Sukkur to conduct test of headmasters when it was not the institution of conducting the test of commissioned posts

Public Opinion

The issue of headmasters is lingering on since long in Sindh. What had been happening in Karachi with headmasters who have been rendering their services since last five years in public sector? It is matter of great shame to resort police action against the headmasters. It is indicative of failure of government who cannot convince anybody with reasons and argument but employ force to suppress and subject them to violence for raising voice against injustice.

They are forced to reappear in commission because BPS 17 posts are filled by SPSC. Then question arises that who gave contract to IBA Sukkur to conduct test of headmasters when it was not the institution of conducting the test of commissioned posts. Any big decision is not taken in hours or one day, it takes time to put it in action. Why at that time Sindh government didn’t think that the institution they were going to assign a task of conducting test was not up to the level of conducting the tests for BPS 17 posts. After five years it occurs to the Sindh government that the headmasters must reappear to qualify for the posts of headmasters as for the posts of BPS 17 SPSC is authorized to conduct the tests. It is illogical and unreasonable cause to again conduct test for headmasters and force them to reappear in the test. What was the Sindh government doing then?  It is pity to see that we had been ruled by such rulers who after years awoke to find their decisions to be wrong.

It is tyranny that rulers, abusing power and authority, are snatching the economic right. It is cruelty to deprive someone of his livelihood. It is administrative injustice when right things are not kept on the right place. Liberty of right to life and property is the ornament of democracy; economic right and job is the fundamental right in democratic system and right of speech is prevailing in democratic states but here the people are deprived of these rights like in monarch or aristocratic states.

In developed nations and societies the teachers are respected highly but in our society they are highly humiliated.  This kind of humiliation is being watched all over the world. The world is observing what was happening with teachers in Pakistan.

Sindh government must resolve the issue of headmasters on the priority bases without any delay.

Fawad Hussain Samo

Hyderabad Sindh