MIRROR – Mystic Poetry from India

Image courtesy: BePsych

Now mirrors reflect only our face

Not our mind

Nor our soul, nor our dreams,

Didn’t you hear its screams?

Jernail S Anand - Sindh CourierDr. Jernail Singh Anand, a renowned poet and writer from Chandigarh, India, shares his mystic poetry

Dr. Jernail S. Anand is a Chandigarh-based socialist campaigner, an ideologue who heads the International Academy of Ethics and authored 170 books. Winner of the international award Charter of Morava, his name is inscribed on Poets’ Rock in Serbia. A rare achievement for an Indian author, who was the only one to be honored by the Serbian Writers Association after Rabindranath Tagore in 1926] Contact: anandjs55@yahoo.com

Photo: Meta AI


Mirrors are considered greatest friends

Of mankind which tell

Of our out-firmities

And we can settle our twisted looks.


You cannot see your face

Except in a mirror

But mirrors have their own infirmities,

You can’t see your soul


One such mirror was once discovered

By some eager fans

And hung

On the cross roads of life


Whosoever happened to come close to it

Saw his dreams and his passions

Instead of his figure

In the mirror.


Men who went close to the mirror

Soon started bringing garlands

For every man saw

A woman reflected back.


But this proved too much

For women folk

When some of them went before it

And the truth it spoke


Finding the men they loved

That too in public view

Was too much and anon

The mirror was reduced to rubble.


Now mirrors reflect only our face

Not our mind

Nor our soul, nor our dreams,

Didn’t you hear its screams?


Read: Anatomy of an Emotion – Mystic Poetry from India


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