Mother – Poetry from the Land of Sindhu Civilization

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Let me hold you as you held me in winter,

Oh, my lovely Mother,

Oh, my worthy Mother.

Allahobhayo Dal, an eminent poet from Sindh province of Pakistan, shares his poem

AllahObhayoDal- SindhCourierEminent poet Allahobhayo Dal was born on December 16, 1977 at Khipro, District Sanghar in Sindh Province of Pakistan. He started writing fairytales in his mother tongue  “Sindhi language” since his boyhood, and published in the different newspapers, literary magazines in 1990s. Now he is familiar as a vibrant poet, author and writer. He received more than hundred appreciation, participation certificates so far on his literary work from across the globe. More than 300 of his poems and short stories have been published in the global literary magazines, newspapers as well as in number of anthologies over the world.

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(Dedicated to my worthy Mother)

Oh, Mother,

The attire of your handmade stitches

Is more precious to me than branded clothes,

Oh, Mother,

The bread of your hand with butter

Is more delicious than the buffet of a five-star hotel,

Oh, Mother,

The shelter of your arms

Is more secure than foolproof security,

Oh, Mother,

A ride on your back

Is better than a business class airplane,

Oh, Mother,

Your lullaby is more serene

Reciting verses from the holy book,

Oh, Mother,

Your consolation is more comforting

Success with flying colors,

Oh, Mother,

I am nothing without you,

I feel suffocated,

Please, once again,

Let me tightly hug you,

Let me kiss your wrinkled feet,

Let me be close to your chest,

Let me hold you as you held me in winter,

Oh, my lovely Mother,

Oh, my worthy Mother.


Read: Nostalgia – Poetry from the Land of Sindhu Civilization


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