Poetry: Failure Feels Fatal But…


Face your fears,

Learn to cope with failure,

And discover how to stay strong.

Aisha Khan, a young poet and writer, based in Hyderabad Sindh, shares her poem

Aisha Khan-poet-Hyderabad-Sindh CourierThe poet is based in Hyderabad Sindh and holds a BS in English Linguistics from the University of Sindh Jamshoro, Sindh. She is focused on preparing for competitive exams and aspires to join civil service. She is an emerging writer with some of the essays on her credit; As a serious reader, she keeps exploring various genres of a wide range of English and Urdu literature writers. Additionally, she is serving as a teacher.

fear-of-failureFailure Feels Fatal But…

A nightmare no one wants to encounter,

But unfortunately, failure feels fatal.

It brings a torrent of self-doubts,

Leaves you to the whispers of others.


Your strength shrinks into shadow,

And you become vulnerable.

It scatters the heart into pieces,

A dream to achieve something—

To become something—

Turns to air in seconds.


Everything becomes blurred and dark,

All efforts seem useless.

Sometimes, you cannot face yourself;

Hope dissolves like mist at dawn,

Plunging you into stress and darkness.



Failure leads toward betterment,

Invites you to work on weaknesses,

Opens new avenues for growth.

You explore your capabilities,

Face your fears,

Learn to cope with failure,

And discover how to stay strong.


Then you try again.

That is the sign of a living soul,

The sign of being human.

At least you had the courage to try.


So, failure is not the end,

But forges new strengths.


Read: I’ll Choose You — For Eternity


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