Worst law and order situation in Larkana city of Sindh


This alarming law and order situation has caused the trouble and torture for the peaceful and innocent citizens

The law and order situation in Larkana had never been good previously, but it has started worsening day by day since the arrival of the new Senior Superintendent of Police Larkana. The street crime is at its height and those being armed with deadly weapons snatch motorcycles and mobile phones easily.

This alarming situation has caused the trouble and torture for the peaceful and innocent citizens of the Larkana. The citizens of the Larkana deserve peace and more attention from the higher authorities.

The recent incidents in the city reveal that police authorities are in deep slumber; even though, people have tried to awaken the higher authorities of police and public administration but the SSP Larkana has failed to maintain peace in the city which is alarming for the Larkanians.

Keeping in view the above situation, the civil society has also planned to arrange the protest against the police officials of Larkana.

The local police have failed to curb the street crimes and robbery which is alarming for the whole city. The newly posted Senior Superintendent of Police Larkana should take the effective measures in order to bring peace in the city.

The corrupt SHOs who are involved in the malpractices should not be posted at any police station of Larkana. The SHOs of the city should be made accountable for any mishap anywhere in the limits of such police station. In this way, the incidents of street crime and robbery could be eliminated. The Deputy Inspector General of police Larkana should look into the grave law and order situation of Larkana and all the resources should be utilized to eradicate street crime and robbery.

Irshad Ahmed Memon

Lahori Mohalla Larkana, Sindh


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