Wearing her heritage on her skin
Sapna walks in beauty for a journey within
A lost homeland’s roots
Whose culture is shown in tattoos!
Radha Bekhabar, a poetess and creative content writer from Mumbai, shares poetic prose for the Sindhi documentary film Sindhustan made by Sapna Moti Bhavnani
Radha Bekhabar@Ignorantwriter, based in Mumbai, India, is a creative content writer, promoter of Sindhi language and culture. She is also a poetess, researcher, song writer, translator, jokes and memes creator. Radha is recipient of awards in school for Sindhi language. Some of her works have been published in the globally acclaimed Sindhi e-paper Hindvasi.
A Journey Within
Wearing her heritage on her skin
Sapna walks in beauty for a journey within
A lost homeland’s roots
Whose culture is shown in tattoos!
The land of Sufis, Saints and Sarvech was Sindh
Onto the “ignorant” heartstrings the pearls of memories cling
When the old remember the past
How their worlds were torn apart
Tears trickle down the cheeks
Shuddering at the horrific memories
As the dancing girl swings to life’s melody
She brings back childhood memories
When the mind caresses the Sufi heart
Reminds of an era forgotten, and art
Kadhi chaanwar and potato tuks, as the tongue savours
The mind and the body feels the flavours
Of being a proud Sindhi to the core
Sindhustan really touches the soul.
Read: My Mom, My Home, and Me – A Poem from India