The spiritual has sterilized the instincts
To intuit meaning of mundane events,
Happenings with goodwill to your health,
To open the buckled mind and lighten
The burden of being too self- important.
Dr. Lalit Mohan Sharma, author of ten books, shares his poetry
Hailing from Himachal Pradesh, India, Dr. Lalit Mohan Sharma, born in 1952, has published ten books of English poetry which include ‘Man with A Horn’, ‘Eyes of Silence’ and ‘There’s No Death’. His book, A Three- Step Journey, is English translation of Zahid’s Urdu poems. ‘Icicles of Time’ is the latest in 2024. Sharma was conferred with ‘Master of Creative Impulse’ at World Poetry Conference in 2019. A former Principal, Government College, Dharamshala, he has been anthologized in several books of poetry, stories and such books of academic interest as 21st Century Critical Thought: A Dialogue with Post-Modern Voices Vol I, (2020), A Handbook of Contemporary Ethics, (2024), Ed by Molly Joseph and JS Anand.
Buckled Mind
The spiritual has sterilized the instincts
To intuit meaning of mundane events,
Happenings with goodwill to your health,
To open the buckled mind and lighten
The burden of being too self- important.
It’s not to counter or confront whatever
Life brings to you; let its experience bring
Such joys which cannot be recalled but
Drench your being with a deja vu feeling.
A seamless merging with thoughts divine
The divine is sudden and spontaneous,
Not enforced through meditation tunnels
Or repeated rituals of mental posturing.
It’s your birthright like the infant’s cry,
A giggling laughter as brain is tickled.
You suddenly turned and walked away
Too far till I could just see a silhouette;
My voice wouldn’t reach you till emails
Touched you and it was as if you turned
Your head to look towards me, sending
A mail to clear the cobwebs and confess
With regrets for the impassive demeanor.
Descend once again in the dreamy zones
Of my imagination, for receiving from you
I deprive you none of your privacy or any
Personal choices you cherish to pursue
A Nietzschean love to revalue all values.
To be yourself, may I insist, you must
Break the shackles that bind your mind!
Indelible Print
Can you keep alive your interest long
If a ghost returns from ancient silence
Longer than his absence in abstractions?
Incarnation of living beings is mere drudgery
Without abstractions of love joy and beauty.
Images ricochet from refrains of memory,
In memory we breathe and seek echoes
Emanating from emblems of our future.
Manipulating it to suit demands of ego
Memory deceives and denies nutrition
To muscles of reflection and retrospect.
The individual wriggle
The collective tyranny
When boxed together
Unleash energy and
The mind powerless
Yet creates, destroys
In order to preserve
Vanity of the world
Before it is finished.
A sanity scampers home
Indelible print of memory!