Home World Literature Contemporary World Literature: A Poem from Peru

Contemporary World Literature: A Poem from Peru

Contemporary World Literature: A Poem from Peru

hands holding one candle in darknessContemporary World Literature

A Poem from Peru

By Ramina Herrera Arteaga

Contemporary World Literature- Peru-Ramina-Herrera-SindhCourierRamina Herrera Arteaga, born in Luya, Amazonas, Peru in 1979, is a Business Administrator by profession. She graduated from the National University of Trujillo – UNT. She received an honorable mention in the 2002 UNT Flower Tales. Her poetry “Memories of Unborn” was published online by the magazine “Voices” of Spain. In 2006 it was included in the anthology “Caminos de Poesía” (Editorial Fund of the Provincial Municipality of Cajamarca. ”In 2007 it published the Poemario“ Nocturna Soledad y otros Poemas ”(Katequil Editores). Currently finishing the layout of the second edition (digital) of “Nocturna Soledad y otros Poemas”, culminating in the poems “WRITINGS OF THE LUNA WOMAN” and “LUYA, PEDACITO DE CIELO”; also promoting a group OLEOS Y VERSOS -PERU that brings together poets and visual artists to join to a larger Latin American group called JUNTOS POR LAS LETRAS, headquartered in Argentina; participates in the Global Poet and Poetry group and is an active member of the board of directors and editorial board; She has been awarded many prestigious recognition for her writing.

Talking With Me  

The universe surprises you at every moment,

Behind his sullenness there

There are essentials

Lessons you must learn,

There will be pain, tears that twist

And burn your soul,

Confusion will flood you completely

And the thousand unanswered questions

That at that moment surrounds you.

But wise is the universe

That also put the time

Time that only asks you to spend

Without questioning,

After hard battles with yourself

You understand that time is your ally

Your travel companion

Your great silent teacher

Until one day…

The heart heals

The soul breathes

Time draws

A big smile on your face

And now in peace

The universe opens

Doors and windows

Where they enter

Everything he prepared for you,

Not when you wanted it

But at the perfect time,

When did you decide

Let go of the rope that tied and hurt you,

When did you leave

To hug the cactus that hurt you,

Only there,

In your loneliness

 In your freedom

In love for yourself

Will unlock the gifts one by one

That I had already prepared

Since before you arose

There is no soldier to rescue you

Just pure magic

In every particle of your body,

Love magic

That when you learn to use it

You become the magician,

Or sacred sorceress daughter of the moon,

That embraces the pain

Let’s go

To later receive only goodness

Love in purity

Love in abundance

And all that that entails.

Be the magic of your own existence.
