Home World Literature Egyptian Poems and Testimonies

Egyptian Poems and Testimonies

Egyptian Poems and Testimonies

The 84-page full color book entitled ‘Jack Hirschman: Egyptian Poems and Testimonies’ will be launched on Monday October 25, 2021


As a tribute to the name of the late American poet Jack Hirschman, World Poetry Movement called on its members around the world to dedicate their cultural activities along the month of October 2021 to one of its founders, and one of the poetic icons in the modern times.

In response to the invitation, World Poetry Movement, Egypt publishes a special edition of the Silk Road Literature Anthology entitled: Jack Hirschman: Egyptian Poems and Testimonies.

The 84-page full color book will be published next Monday (October 25, 2021), electronically (on the ISSUU.COM platform) and in print (in Egypt),with an introduction  by the prominent poet Fernando Rendón, founder of the Medellin International Poetry Festival , and co- founder  of  World Poetry Movement, and  member of its global coordination committee; who wrote (VITAL PRESENCE AND ABSENCE OF JACK HIRSCHMAN).

The anthology has the poems of Al- Sayed Al-Khamisi (Your Face and Sadness), Mustafa Abada (Drobar Yamur), Deema Mahmood (The Death of a Poet), Marwa Nabil (I present you), Muhammad Hosni Aliwa (A detailed note on arranging a warm funeral for a comrade), Moamen Samir (The Look of Uncle “Jack Hirschman”), Dr. Karim Al-Sayyad (Al-Baramthah’s Crumb)   Dr. Muhammad Abd al-Salam Abd al-Sadiq (An incomplete elegy for an uncertain death), Tarik Abdul-Wahhab Gado (A Whisper), Muhammad al-Kafrawi (Hurry Up), artist Amir Waheeb (Goodbye Jack Hirschman),  Dr. Bashir Refaat (Sleeping Cells) and  Ashraf Aboul-Yazid (A Thousand and One Lamp by Jack Hirschman!).

The beautiful cover was illustrated and beautifully decorated with calligraphy  by artist   Yassin Harraz. The book will have a photographic supplement of Hirschman’s life, as well as posters of the events dedicated to him during the whole month, in the world.
