Freezing Nature – Poetry from India

Himachal Pradesh - Photo: Britannica

The nature is looking

At the path of Sun.

From one month

There is layer of fog 

And clouds in the sky.

Jatinder Aulakh - IndiaJatinder Aulakh, an eminent poet from India, shares his poetry

Jatinder Aulakh is an eminent poet and editor from India. He is writer of best seller book: ‘fall can’t cease the springs’. His poetry has been translated into several languages. He is a columnist of several English and Hindi newspapers.

India-small-640x480FREEZING NATURE

The nature is looking

At the path of Sun.

From one month

There is layer of fog 

And clouds in the sky.


Branches of trees 

Standing dry.

Little sparrow singing and

Watching at the sky,

“How can save life.


O Sun! You are in dark cave…

There is drizzling from many days

Roofs of houses are dripping.

Perhaps! Everything will freeze

How difficult is leaving bed

And going office in this cold wave.



This world is a market

Crowded market

The crowd is coming 

And going 

Making noise.

In a corner

Standing still a tree

Without swaying

Serene and cool


Soul’s verses.


Received Angela Kosta Executive Director of MIRIADE Magazine, Academic, journalist, writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, editor, translator






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