In recent times, Bangladesh has created a unique position in the international arena
By Shakil Kalam | Dhaka
Recently, the diplomatic activities of the United States, the European Union, China and India have increased in Bangladesh. Bangladesh has become important to large economic, developed and superpower countries. Behind this, the political, financial, and commercial interests and the tendency to expand the dominance of the mentioned countries are noticeable. Now Bangladesh has created a strong position to realize its interests. In the first decade of the 21st century, it has become clear that world politics will revolve around the India and Pacific region. The reasons for the growing importance of this region are the rise of China in world- politics and economy, the geopolitical, and geostrategic importance of Southeast Asia and the efforts of the superpowers to maintain their power. Moreover, the countries of this region have maintained the capabilities, regional cooperation and balance of states in the world economy through emerging powers and ASEAN. Moreover, the natural resources and trade routes are the reasons why the importance of the Indo-Pacific region has increased. It is true that, with the increasing importance of the Indo-Pacific, the importance of the Bay of Bengal has also increased. The Bay of Bengal is located to the south of Bangladesh, so the geographical and historical importance of Bangladesh is inextricably linked. The geopolitical importance of the Bay of Bengal is mainly due to the increasing importance of Bangladesh. The reasons for this increase in importance include:
- The Bay of Bengal has been a fertile ground for geopolitics for centuries. In addition to Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia’s Sumatra share their coastlines in the Bay of Bengal, which directly affects the Bay of Bengal sea area.
- Major Powers prioritize maritime dominance to dominate the world. The geopolitics surrounding the Bay of Bengal are not only commercial but also have become a security concern for major powers. Bangladesh, located in a geographically favorable location, has become a center of interest for the United States, China, India, Nepal, Bhutan and Australia. India is keen to use Bangladesh’s seaports to accelerate their trade, and others also consider Bangladesh important in the global geopolitics of South Asia.
- The Bay of Bengal is of immense importance in maintaining connectivity with South and Southeast Asia.
- China has turned its attention to the Bay of Bengal to strengthen its position in the Strait of Malacca, one of China’s major trade routes.
- China’s search for an alternative route to the Bay of Bengal means that the United States will have to formulate a new policy on how to contain China.
- It is also important for the US to have a presence in the Bay of Bengal, namely in Bangladesh, to counter China, a large economy country.
- The Bay of Bengal connects the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
- Although Bangladesh does not have a border with China, Bangladesh is very close to China, so the US presence here is not pleasant for China.
- Recently, India’s foreign policy has not escaped the eyes of the US administration. Their position on the Ukraine war has become clearer. Accordingly, the importance of Bangladesh to the US administration has increased; so that India can be put under pressure at least a little.
- India’s control over Bangladesh is essential to facilitate trade with the 7 eastern states of India. Moreover, India’s dependence on Bangladesh is much higher to ensure the security of the 7 eastern states of India. It is worth noting that separatist movements are going on in these seven states. India’s cooperation with Bangladesh is essential to suppress this movement.
- It is necessary for India and China to have control over Bangladesh to keep their investments in Myanmar sustainable. It is worth noting that the investments of China and India in Myanmar are 20.00 and 7.63 billion respectively.
- The Belt and Road Initiative, a massive infrastructure investment project led by China to improve connectivity, trade and communication across Asia, Europe, Latin America and Africa, is a concern for some major economies.
- Bangladesh is a country between South and East Asia. There is an opportunity to control the politics, economy and trade of South and Southeast Asia from Bangladesh. This region is an economic market area of about 3 billion people. Therefore, the eyes of the powerful countries of the world, including Europe and America, are focused on Bangladesh.
- China has invested about 7.5 billion dollars around the Kayokufu port and economic zone in Rakhine State on the shores of the Bay of Bengal. From there, it has built a pipeline to Kunming, China, 771 kilometers away, through which oil and gas from the Middle East will go to China via the Bay of Bengal. It will use the Bay of Bengal as a hub. Therefore, this region has become a geopolitically and geo-strategically significant area for China.
- When a country becomes a peer or rival of the United States of America in world politics, their rivalry begins around that country. It can be said without a doubt that US foreign policy will be formulated around China, a growing economy. In that context, the first target of US policy will be China’s neighboring countries.
In the above discussion, we come to a point in the conclusion, although the objectives of China, India and the United States are different, the goal is the same, which is to protect their interests. Both countries are important to Bangladesh. But for India, in addition to trade and commerce, Bangladesh is also of immense importance to them for protecting the territorial integrity of their country and for economic reasons. Especially in terms of imports, India and China are important to Bangladesh, and in terms of exports, the United States and its allies in Europe. At the same time, Bangladesh must be multidimensional in terms of imports and exports. Accordingly, Bangladesh must take a cautious step after looking and listening. Bangladesh must increase its national capacity by protecting its own interests. It must increase its relations with other countries through bilateral or multilateral means and find new markets. Dependence on the West, China and India must be reduced. Otherwise, there is a strong possibility of getting into deep trouble shortly. At the same time, skilled and prudent policymakers must play an important role. Policies must be set with balance and strategy to achieve national interests. In recent times, Bangladesh has created a unique position in the arena of the superpowers, including in the international arena. In this regard, geographical location, geopolitics, development, and national capacity building have played an important role.
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Shakil Kalam, born in Feni district in Chittagong Division of Bangladesh, received a Master’s Degree in Governance Studies from the University of Dhaka. Having also a diploma course on IAS and IFRS from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB), he is known as a Central Banker, Corporate Governance and Internal Audit Specialist, Researcher, Poet, Translator as well as Child-Litterateur. He was engaged as an Additional Director in the Central Bank of Bangladesh. His book “A Handbook of Corporate Governance in Bangladesh” is enlisted as a reference books and taught in several universities including the University of Dhaka.