If I die, I would be born again as a tree
Being shaken as much as the wind blows
Being soaked as much as the rain pours…
Kang Jeung-hwa, a poetess from Korea, the Land of Morning Calm, shares her poem
Poet Kang Jeung-hwa holds a Ph.D. in literature and made her literary debut in 1984 through the monthly literature magazine Simunhak. She has published 13 poetry collections, including The Wind and the Darkness, and received the 17th Simunhak Literature Award. She previously served as the 27th Chair of the Poetry Division of the Korean Writers’ Association and is currently the 28th Vice President of the Korean Writers’ Association.
I Would Be Born Again As A Tree
If I die, I would be born again as a tree
Being shaken as much as the wind blows
Being soaked as much as the rain pours
Withstanding the heat during the early summer
Enduring the freezing cold during the winter
Producing the annual rings in the body
If I die, I would take root in a place again
Not to be an old lonesome tree overcoming hardships
But to be strong one even if living in a short life
I would be very satisfied with my life as such
If I can help small trees with all the supports I can give protecting them from the threatening of rainstorms
At the end of my life after experiencing so many deaths
There would be nothing left I wish for
If I can die to protect the trees alive with my supports
(Translated by Kim In-young)
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