International Sindhi Pakorra Day Celebrated in Baroda

Sindhi-Pakorra-Day-Sindh Courier

Sindhi community people held gatherings at different places and enjoyed the Pakorra especially prepared at home.

From Correspondent  

Baroda (Vadodara), India

International Sindhi Pakorra (Bhajiya) Day was celebrated on Friday July 05, 2024 by Sindhi community of Baroda (Vadodara) city of Gujarat state of India.

Sindhi-Pakorra-Day-Baroda-Sindh-CourierSindhi community people held gatherings at different places and enjoyed the Pakorra especially prepared at home.

A senior citizens’ group, named a Baagh Jaa Badshah (The Kings of the Garden) also gathered at Swami Teoonram Garden, Sant Kanwar Nagar Warasia Vadodara and celebrated the Pakorra Day. The Pakorrras made of Beeh (Lotus Roots), Potatoes, Daal Vada, and Mirchi (Chili) Pakorras were served with Bread and various type of Chatnis (Pickles).

Baroda-Sindhi Community-Sindh-CourierThe Baagh Jaa Badshah Group celebrates all Sindhi festivals throughout the Year. The group consists of senior citizens of 60 plus age who used to visit the Swami Teoonram Garden regularly. They walk regularly for fitness and then sit together for chatting on daily basis from 7 to 9 pm.

Sindhi-Women-Pakorra-Day-Sindh CourierThe group includes Ramesh Ramrakhiani, Ghanshyam Kungwani, Murli Godhwani, Vasdev Issrani, Bharat Shamnani, Shankarlal Mulchandani, Kishore Khetwani, Kumar Dadlani Prakash Bhojwani, Haresh Agnani, Dada Rahindomal Sachdev, Nanik Basantani, Karo Melani and Kamal Kakwani etc. They also run a WhatsApp Group naming Baagh Jaa Badshah.

Meanwhile, ‘Masti Kity Party Group’, a group of Sindhi women also celebrated Sindhi Pakorra Day, with participation of Mrs. Soni Ramesh Ramrakhiani and others at Sweet Home, Harekrishna Society Vadodara.

Read: Sindhi Community of Vadodara organized Blood Donation Camp as part of Cheti Chand celebration



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