Modern-Day Slavery


According to psychologists, the increasing numbers of patients at work place is the result of working under pressure which hits the worker mentally. 

 By Maria Khushk

Virulent work culture is uncontrolled and more widespread than Covid-19. In some cases, it goes away by itself. All you can do to avoid noxiousness in the workplace is to resign forcefully or grow skin thicker than leather. The burden of workload and unrealistic expectations and arduous surroundings may seem hellish and sometimes leads to a physical breakdown. According to psychologists, the increasing numbers of patients at work place is the result of working under pressure which hits the worker mentally.

We usually see the bosses are quite relaxed treating his/her workers commonly; even though the workers sometime do not have the same mood towards the work, but they have to work under the pressure. If sometimes we find ourselves uncomfortable at work, overburden with unrealistic demands, and repeatedly asking if a job really makes you downhearted, at the point the boss takes the advantage and give the example of the other colleagues and shows that we are nothing and not doing any kind of effort for the company to run properly.

Sometimes employees use to work for 24 hours. They have to be available round the clock without taking care of their health and even are not able to take a sick leave. In case they are on sick leave and not able to reply to a text, even if sent after midnight, they would be humiliated on the official WhatsApp group and threatened through official emails. The workers often face number of problems, they are afraid of their bosses and being affected by health issues like blood pressure and diabetes.

At certain places, nepotism has also been observed. If you are close to the boss, it means you may feed him whatever you want. It doesn’t matter it is based on a false statement. The employees are also expected to pamper the bosses to make him/her joyous. In such a situation, the employees face difficulties and it becomes very hard to work. They are also mentally tortured for petty issues by the management through actions like pay cut if you are not well-dressed and if you are not on time due to transport problem. The pay cut is imposed even if one is just two minutes late in the office.

At some places the employees have to stay at work till midnight, and then they are required to report early in the morning, because the bosses have to run their company. They only discourage the employee and take advantage instead of showing sympathy.

The management doesn’t care for their senior and sincere employees but only need the fluttery words and work done. They habitually overload them with work like a donkey and insufficient pay for their work. In case, the boss likes the work he/she can give them two more tasks without the token of appreciation. The bosses also threaten their staff when anyone gets a new job, scholarship, or is enrolled for higher education, and even getting married or having a baby. Most of the employees are publicly humiliated. I am compelled to say that it is nothing but modern day slavery.

The bosses should be polite to their staff members and need to change their perspective and focus on their routine work effectively to run the company.


Maria Khushk is a freelance writer based in Hyderabad Sindh. She is author of a book titled ‘‘The cage of innocence’.