A man falls from grace when he fails to act out the brief he has received from the Master.

Dr. Jernail S. Anand

Those who are looking up, at the gods, often stumble on the ground. It is a hard lesson, nobody relishes. If we want our movement in the world to be trouble free, we need to be constantly focused on the ground we are treading on or we tend to lose our balance, and often fall. Fall is the operative word of this discussion today. I am not talking of the physical fall, I am talking of the metaphor ‘fall’ which means, falling from grace. A man falls from grace when he fails to act out the brief he has received from the Master.

Follow Me

We are so busy in our organized lives that we do not have time to open the slip on which our brief is written. And what we are doing in life, is just following others. I give you an example which explains my point. There was a man in the locality who was looking towards the sky. Another person came, and started looking up. Now, so many others thought they are watching some phenomenon. They too joined. Soon, the entire community was looking into the sky. After some time, they realized there was nothing to look at. And the man who had started this game too had disappeared.

Falling-2We are doing a hundred things in our lives not because we know what we are doing [we did not open the piece of paper on which our brief we scripted], but because so many others are doing it. Does it not look funny that people marry because others are marrying? They are having kids, because all others are blessed with kids. They are not surprised if they lead miserable lives. Others too are leading such lives, what is new in it? And you can see how silent they are, how unstirred, and how they take for granted, when one has died. Death does not make them think. Others are dying. What is surprising about it.

Three Commandments

The fact is that Gods want certain things not to be done by us. Let us open the brief note which is lying consecrated in our safes. Some ‘sacred’ souls had directed us not to open the slip. It is a profanity. It might bring you harm. You have opened it. Ok. Let us read on. Yes, the first line is: Look below. The second line is Look Straight. And the third line is Look Up. In our lives, we often jumble up the order and in the beginning start looking up, and never look below. Looking straight is not our habit simply because people whom we follow do not look straight. This is how we have jumbled up our lives.

The brief is for the saints also. Look Below. Do they look below? They keep looking up at the stars, in the celestial ranges, and forget as human beings, they have certain duties. Can we condone any person, who has arrived on this earth, not to create at least one person like him? And for this, the society ordains him to marry a woman, and then have kids. But what saints do? They run away from having families and kids, saying, it disturbs their meditations. They need to learn a few lessons from the lives of Sikh Gurus. Don’t expect perfection and don’t think God will love you, and your meditations will take you far, if do not bother about the first commandment of the divine script.

A man does not know what he is, from where he has come, and how long is his stay. But, he starts telling in definite terms about Hell and Heaven

Looking straight is a hard lesson for a man of twisted vision. God has given us two eyes to balance our vision. One eye is meant to see what is visible, and the other, what is not visible. In other words, whatever we can see, we should see, and what we cannot see, let us visualize and fantasize. We do not realize one more truth about human vision. It is limited and Gods do not want us to see so many things which they keep hidden from our eyes. Looking straight also means having a balance in our vision. Whatever we see, we see some people who are high and some who are low. Some are rich, while some are poor. Looking straight means no discriminations of castes, colours, and creeds. How many god’s men can look straight? Politicians are the worst specimens of a twisted vision and God have pity on us, they are ruling the world. Can’t you infect their minds with some of your godliness?

maxresdefaultNow, according to the script, you are safe if you start looking up. When you have set your house in order, and your mind attuned to the divine dispensation, now you are welcome to look up to gods. They will grant you the boon of boons: happiness. Unless you perform your duties as a human being, there is no point in rushing to the higher realms. You will be ejected. Better do your job well in the world, then, gods will themselves come down to lift you up.

Politicians are the worst specimens of a twisted vision and God have pity on us, they are ruling the world.

Let us learn it by heart. Gods are not inimical to human race. They do not settle scores. They carry no vengeance. When people talk about them in definitive tones, they just smile at our childish behaviour. A man does not know what he is, from where he has come, and how long is his stay. But, he starts telling in definite terms about Hell and Heaven. It is a travesty of divine truth. Gods do not feel agitated at such insolence, but they make sure, all Macbeths meet their nemesis while, at the same time, they pity Lears who have to “beat at this gate, which let thy dear judgement out and thy folly in”.



Jernail S Anand - Sindh CourierDr. Jernail Singh Anand, President of the International Academy of Ethics, is author of 161 books in English poetry, fiction, non-fiction, philosophy and spirituality. He was awarded Charter of Morava, the great Award by Serbian Writers Association, Belgrade and his name was engraved on the Poets’ Rock in Serbia. The Academy of Arts and philosophical Sciences of Bari [Italy] honored him with the award of an Honorable Academic.  Recently, he was awarded Doctor of Philosophy [Honoris Causa] by the University of Engg and Management, Jaipur. Recently, he organized an International Conference on Contemporary Ethics at Chandigarh. His most phenomenal book is Lustus: The Prince of Darkness [first epic of the Mahkaal Trilogy]. Email: anandjs55@yahoo.com

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