Image courtesy: National Center for Childhood Grief

We are in the habit of thinking only of life or only of death. These two binaries, however, fail to describe life in its true factuality

Dr. Jernail S. Anand

*Animals are generally healthy because they eat organic food and think organic thoughts. And men are generally ailing, because we eat synthetic foods, and think carcinomic thoughts.

Is Life a Prolongated Death?

We are in the habit of thinking only of life or only of death. These two binaries, however, fail to describe life in its true factuality. Just as we go to another country with a visa which expires on a particular date, and we possess a return ticket too, we come on this earth also with a return ticket. Only we don’t know anything about the expiry date of the visa.  When gods are up to give life to a person, and before it is given, they inscribe the date of death also. So, we can say, where there is life, there is death. Or, there is no death if there is no life. Only those things die which possess life.  The mention of the word ‘death’ disturbs us. Death is not an enemy. It is no penalty, either. It is also not the wages of sin. Death delivers us from the fouls that we have committed during our life time. Death uses its scissors, and cuts off the string and all our travails are over.

20180606_wednesday_quote_alternate_3I have a strong feeling that life and death are like two sisters which are lying in embrace.  You have lived one day. Where is it now? It is lying in the pool of death. Each moment, which we have lived, has gone to the trash basket. Open it, and you will see what is lying in your immediate past. Just as we recover documents from our trash box, from our past we summon our memories whenever we feel like. But that moment which we lived at that time, which is now dead, cannot come to life again.

Where there is life, there is death. Or, there is no death if there is no life. Only those things die which possess life.

So, it is not difficult to surmise that death is a constant friend. If a moment does not die, how can it be lived? Death makes it possible for us to step onward towards the completion of our journey. In between, whatever we do, that is our accomplishment. Death is a necessity, not a punishment. It is a punishment if it does not come to people who are in a state of physical disarray.

Obsessive thoughts – Image courtesy: WikiHow

Gods and the Psychopathic Chill

I sometimes wonder why gods are developing some psychotic symptoms. A psychopath loves to kill and shed blood.  And gods nowadays, it appears, do not believe in simple death. They too are affected by the OTT bug. They try to make death a spectacular feast. Or it seems, some medical entrepreneurs have been able to seek access to gods, they might have bribed them, as it happens these days, and the contract now signed with the medical team is: don’t accept death in its positive degree, nor in comparative, but only in its superlative form.  Gods will take delivery of dead people from hospital wards, after post mortem, and only after a certificate that their vital organs have been duly removed. The medical teams invite godly inspection teams who ensure that no patient is allowed to die unless and until he spends a few days on the ventilator. In divine language, ventilator is a spring board which helps a dying man, reach his destination, without jerks. So, death these days is not easy. What can we say to gods?


Satan who was in cohoots with corrupt minds of this world, asked Eve to go for knowledge. And knowledge has brought us to this pass. The blood of an average person, when diagnosed, is found overflowing with satanomia. Some people in villages who were seen deficient in this element, which runs parallel to sodium, and potassium, were discovered to be sampling for peaceful lives. It was a dangerous symptom for jerkless collapse after which gods do not accept anybody back. So, they were kept on a heavy dose of satanomia, and when they started having blood pressure, and stress, they were released from the hospital. Now they are on drugs, to ensure they damage their health and then return to the hospital for their final plunge into ‘heaven’: on the Ventilator.

Beasts and Men

Men are reformed beasts, and their point of departure is: knowledge which makes them more beastly, and hence, unpardonable too. If animals act like beasts, they are excused. But if we men start behaving like mindlosts, we cannot be excused. I sometimes wonder it is men who have opened Veterinary Clinics in to which animals are forced when they fall ill. But the incidence of their falling ill is very rare. The wild animals do not fall ill. They are either alive, or eaten up by some more hungry species. Only those animals become ill, who come in close proximity to the radiations of knowledge which emanate from men [domesticated breeds]. Animals are generally healthy because they eat organic food and think organic thoughts. And men are generally ailing, because we eat synthetic foods, and think carcinomic thoughts. We are plagued by jealousy, hatred, religion, castes, communities, races, colours. Animals too have colours, but have you found them fist-fighting? Yes, they do fight over females. And that too, it is never a deadly fight as in our films. Revenge, blood, gore, extinction, elimination. Nothing. After some time, the female comes to them, because it is a commonwealth. So, no heart break. No stress. No sad songs. No K.L. Saigal.

v4-460px-Stop-Obsessing-About-Death-Step-6-Version-2.jpg WikiHow
Obsessing about death – Image courtesy: WikiHow

But men are men. Their food is cooked with fire and treated with spices. So are their thoughts, cooked in hi-fi cockers. There is nothing original and organic in the life of a man these days. So, when eating and, then, thinking goes berserk, men are on direct route to hospitals. I don’t know how the gods have compromised with second quality men. What do they find in people who are diseased and they take served long sentences with doctors. And when turns on the Ventilator, what is left behind of them? All organs have failed. There must be a truck with the medical establishment.


We are helpless when it comes to gods. We are no more than snails, found moving on the earth after rains, and getting tossed, some spared and some crushed, under our feet, and we move on botherless. So are gods too powerful for men. They straddle the skies while we don’t even know what is happening to us and why.

[Note: Don’t visit Google, Pl.]

Satanomia is an imaginative state of sickness in which satanic elements are needed and there is deficiency of it.

Mindlosts: People who have lost their minds. If you like this word, it has no you can use it in your writing.

Copyright for both these words ‘Satanomia’ and ‘Mindlosts’ is with the author.



Jernail S Anand - Sindh CourierDr. Jernail Singh Anand, President of the International Academy of Ethics, is author of 167 books in English poetry, fiction, non-fiction, philosophy and spirituality. He was awarded Charter of Morava, the great Award by Serbian Writers Association, Belgrade and his name was engraved on the Poets’ Rock in Serbia. The Academy of Arts and philosophical Sciences of Bari [Italy] honoured him with the award of an Honourable Academic.  Recently, he was awarded Doctor of Philosophy [Honoris Causa] by the University of Engineering and Management, Jaipur. Recently, he organized an International Conference on Contemporary Ethics at Chandigarh. His most phenomenal book is Lustus: The Prince of Darkness [first epic of the Mahkaal Trilogy]. Email: anandjs55@yahoo.com

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