Because I really love you,
Every moment of yours flows through me also,
Like a fire through the snow.
Corina Junghiatu, an internationally acclaimed poet from Romania, shares her poems
Internationally acclaimed Poet Corina Junghiatu was born on 12 April in 1981 in Romania. She is also writer and artist. She holds a master’s degree in Philology and Psychopedology from the University of Bucharest, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Letters and Philosophy. She can speak and write in five foreign languages. Corina has published two books of poetry titled Exile in Light and The Ritual of a Sunrise. Corina has received awards, medals, certificates and recognitions from various literary forums and organizations around the world for her brilliant literary works. She has achieved the “Gujarat Sahitya Academi Award” thrice on the occasion of the 74th, 75th and 76th Independence Day of India. She won the “Order of Shakespeare Medal -2021. She won the SahityaPata Award-2022 on the occasion of the birth anniversary of the national poet of Bangladesh, Kazi Nazrul Islam. She is the Global Publishing Coordinator of Motivational Strips Literary Excellence Academy & Wisdom. She is also the Managing Editor of Medium and Creatividad International. She is the Chief Adviser of the “World Nations Writers’ Union,” Kazakhstan.
Because I Love You
Because I really love you,
I trust in you, I am your integrity and harmony,
I am patient with your weaknesses,
I am your spiritual partner.
Because I really love you,
Your needs and desires are essential,
I support you in your own ambitions and goals,
I give you space to flourish
And I becoming who you want to be!
Because I really love you,
I caress your hair and forehead,
I kiss your cheeks and your thoughts,
I fall asleep under your left shoulder,
Nestled in the night.
Because I really love you,
Every moment of yours flows through me also,
Like a fire through the snow.
Because I really love you,
I become a secret fluid of sacrifices,
I understand you and I forgive you!
Because I really love you.
First Mantra
I am love
Soul in the palm of your hand
Planted from the heart of heaven
To give you peace.
I am the white and gentle flame
That runs barefoot among significance
In search of balance with you.
I am a letter that drips on the conscience
To keep your dreams alive
And fill you atom by atom
With a caress
With a song
With a poem
With a profound light.
Sympathetic Intuition
I won’t be able to die as long as
The children of the planet
Are massacred in conflicts,
And the orphans surrounded by a void,
They are agonizing in a lullaby
Their fear of loneliness, and ignorance,
When them clenched lips cannot shout: Love!
I won’t be able to die as long as
Ample hatred growths
In all the graphs of the world,
And as long as love stops at dawn
When you undress me,
When I strip down to nothing
And we dress in folds of darkness!
I won’t be able to die as long as
The tree trunks, with leaves still green,
Falling and bleeding
To the last drop of chlorophyll,
Or when the ocean seems clad in silver,
And it is not the moon that is reflected
But there are poisoned fish!
I won’t be able to die as long as
Poetry is written in opacity and obscurity,
And remarkably sensitivities
Are flushed on a pyre.
I will not leave the silence as a testament,
But the scream of the song from the heart
Scratched with the fingers of my right hand
In the archives of the planet’s consciousness,
Because the swans of the world die singing.
Queen of Drama
They pushed you away with their hand as
Cold as a moon,
They rejected you with their teeth clenched in hatred,
They have overshadowed you by extinguishing the light of your dreams,
They built up a wall of contempt and hostility.
What have you become?
A Queen of Drama!
You sigh hesitation and fear,
Untold and severe pain,
Tears lost in eternal conflicts.
You twist into a victim,
And your dramas have become a hypnotic hotbed.
Where is your fault?
Are you righteous?
An imperative drama throbs in each of us,
I don’t expect you to understand my drama,
Nor I do condemn you to live in an eternal eclipse.
These lines come to bring you light!
Give up to your sinister chain main,
Give up to the sinister masks,
Cures apnea of your senses.
Resuscitate your life, sensitivity,
Feelings, vibration.
Does your victim aorta
At the correct pressure.
The fighters receive applause, and victim’s pity.
Read: Between Two Nights – Romanian Poetry Collection