Let me remain me
And let you remain you
So that we can kindle
The love, like a newly found land.
Sushant Thapa, a poet from Biratnagar, Nepal, shares his poem
Sushant Thapa, a poet from Biratnagar, Nepal, has written 7 books of English poems and one book of flash fiction and short stories. He teaches English language and literature to university level students in Biratnagar, Nepal. He holds an M.A. in English Literature from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. He is widely published in schoolbook, print and online magazines.
Newly found Land
(After Mir Taqi Mir)
Drops of blood
Fall from the eyelashes—this longing is a deadly disease.
The pandemonium heart is a curse of love.
Love cages the beloved
And ceases to be the order of heaven.
We are like the potter’s wheel,
After our fall from the Garden of Eden.
I surmise a sky
Where my shrine
Is a temple of offerings—you are my queen.
I free the love
From timelessness.
Let me remain me
And let you remain you
So that we can kindle
The love, like a newly found land.