Seven deadly saints warned
He won’t be able to enjoy
The colorful life as the other Faustus did.
Dr. Jernail Singh Anand, a renowned poet and writer from Chandigarh, India, shares his poetry
Dr. Jernail Singh Anand is Seneca Award Laureate who has authored more than175 books of English literature. He won highest Serbian award charter of Morava and his name adorns the Poets’ Rock in Serbia. He is President of Chandigarh-based International Academy of Ethics. He also won Franz Kafka and Maxim Gorky awards and was conferred the honorary degree of Doctor of Philosophy (honoria causa) by University of Engineering & Management, Jaipur.
Faustus entered into a contract
With devils only once
The whole cosmos had come
To halt his steps
But inordinate passion of the
Renaissance hero
Finally got the better of his wit.
Every day a Faustus signs
An agreement with gods
And enters this world
Armed with a hundred boons
A million powers
And a few responsibilities too
Which he then tends to ignore.
Gods when signing the pact
For around five or six tens of years
Had asked man again and again
To think and rethink
Seven deadly saints* warned
He won’t be able to enjoy
The colorful life as the other Faustus did.
Man was eager to get out of the clammy cell
He ticked every option.
Okay Okay Okay
But when he opened his eye
He found his memory had left him
And he was an orphan
Who had suffered a stroke of amnesia!
A man said I am your father,
A lady said, I bore you, I am your mother
They are others born to me
And they, your relatives, by blood
He was now trapped in this blood shed
And very soon lost to his orientation divine.
The deadly saints now appear
In his dreams and tell him
You are in the wrong
But Neo-Faustus has no time
To listen to these warnings
A descendant of Faustus, the lost.
**Oblivius too is his ancestor’s ghost.
*Seven deadly saints: Purity, Honesty, Goodness, Love, Integrity Hope, Faith.
**Oblivius is Neo-Faustus, a character of Neo-Mythology…he represents amnesia
Faustus was visited by Seven Deadly Sins in Marlow’s story, often referred to as Marlovian outreacher. I have tried to reverse it with Seven Deadly Saints.