Poem: How can I forget you!

Bhagwanti Navani
Bhagwanti Navani

How can I forget you, Sindhi koel!

A tribute poem on the 85th birthday of versatile Sindhi Melodious Singer Bhagwanti Navani, by RadhaBekhabar@IgnorantWriter

Radha-India-Sindh CourierRadha Bekhabar@Ignorantwriter, based in Mumbai, India, is a creative content writer, promoter of Sindhi language and culture. She is also a poetess, researcher, song writer, translator, jokes and memes creator. Radha is recipient of awards in school for Sindhi language. Some of her works have been published in the globally acclaimed Sindhi e-paper Hindvasi.

Bhagwanti_navaniHow can I forget you!

How can I forget you, Sindhi koel, Sindhi koel

Whose smile is so charm-able


How can I forget you, whose music and tune

Whose sweet voice is a croon,

Melodious Bhagwanti Navani, the Sindhi disco empress


How can I forget you, the humble one of love

Whose music has crazed the entire world

How can I forget you, the princess of beauty

Who sang songs to bid farewell to lassies


Be it bhajan or kalaam, Sukhmani Sahib,

laadaa, doheera, oraana, sehraa

Lorees and Saakhis you have sung

Making Sindhiyat evenings radiant


How can I forget you, Sindhi starlet

In whose company are all affectionate

Be it any occasion,

The “Sindhi Lata Mangeshkar’s” rendition

Has such an effect

That “RadhaBekhabar” becomes an infatuate.


Read: A Journey Within – The poetic prose for Sapna Bhavnani


  1. اوھان دوارا لکيل ڀڳونتي ناواڻي سنڌيء سنگيت جي
    صداحيات ڪوئل جهڙي آواز جِي مالڪ لاء جي ڪُڇ لکيو آهي سچَ ۾تعريف ڪجي ته ڪيئن ڪجي ، ڪيتري ڪجي مُونکي شبد ناھن. پر اهو ضرور چاوندوس تہ انھيءَ ليک جي شبدن ۾ ڪا جادوئي شڪتي جي آتما مان نڪتل اکر آھن صحي ڄاڻ ڏني اٿئو ، آتمڪ جيون جي جهلڪ نظر پئي اچي. اهو ليک اتهاس جي پنن جو حصو آهي ائن نئي پيڙهيءَ لاءمشال ۰ سُرن جي سرتاج ﮐﻲ جنم ڏينهن جون واڌايون ئين اوھان کي بہ ھٿ جوڙي وندن ٿو ڪيان ۰ اوهانجو مهيش چاولا


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