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Revival of Reading Culture: Back to Books

Revival of Reading Culture: Back to Books

Unlike gadgets that come and go, books have stood the test of time and have been cherished by generations for their enduring wisdom

Shoukat Lohar  

Books have always been considered as the best friends of human beings. They have been a source of knowledge, wisdom, and entertainment for centuries. As Francis Bacon once said, “Reading makes a ready man.” Indeed, reading has the power to transform individuals into well-informed, enlightened, and cultured beings.

Through books, one can become aware of the past, present, and future, and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. However, in recent times, with the rise of gadgets and technology, there has been a drastic decline in the reading culture. Despite this, there are still numerous readers who are fond of reading books and understand the value they hold.

Books are widely read throughout the world and the love for books and reading is still alive in Sindh; though it has diminished due to multiple reasons yet we can’t say the book reading has grossly gone. In recent reawakening in Sindh; the youth are known for their avid reading habits. It is truly amazing to see young individuals engrossed in books, despite the distractions of modern technology.

This serves as a reminder of the inherent power of reading, which can triumph over the flood of gadgets that surround us. Let’s understand the hidden power or outcome of reading best books step by step.

The Power of Books

Books are not just a collection of words on paper; they are alive with the power to enlighten, educate, and inspire.

Unlike gadgets that come and go, books have stood the test of time and have been cherished by generations for their enduring wisdom. Books have the power to transport us to different worlds, ignite our imagination, and broaden our horizons. They provide us with knowledge, insights, and perspectives that we might not encounter in our daily lives. Through books, we can learn about different cultures, histories, and ideas, and gain a deeper understanding of the world we live in.

Reading vs. gadgets

Reading is a more powerful medium than gadgets, as it allows for deep engagement and critical thinking. When we read, we actively process the information, analyze it, and form our own opinions. This process stimulates our cognitive abilities, enhances our critical thinking skills, and nurtures our intellect. Unlike gadgets that provide instant gratification. Reading requires patience, concentration, and effort. It is a slow and deliberate process that allows us to truly immerse ourselves in the subject matter and gain a comprehensive understanding of it. In a world that is increasingly characterized by information overload and superficial engagement, reading offers a respite and a means to develop our mental faculties.

Choosing the Right Books

The choice of books we read is crucial in shaping our reading experience. While there is no one-size-fits-all formula for selecting books, it is important to choose books that align with our interests, passions, and goals. Memoirs, biographies, diaries, history books, philosophy, psychology, and books that stimulate critical thinking are excellent choices for those looking to broaden their intellectual horizons. Memoirs and biographies provide insights into the lives of remarkable individuals and their unique perspectives on the world. Diaries offer a glimpse into the personal thoughts and experiences of individuals, giving us a window into their inner world. History books allow us to learn from the mistakes and successes of the past, and understand how our world has evolved over time.

Philosophy and psychology books offer deep insights into the human mind and behavior, helping us understand ourselves and others better. Books that stimulate critical thinking, such as those on politics, society, and culture, encourage us to question the status quo and develop a more nuanced understanding of the world around us.

Fiction is also an important genre that should not be overlooked

Short stories, novels, and poetry have the power to transport us to different realms of imagination, stir our emotions, and ignite our creativity. Fiction allows us to explore the complexities of the human condition, experience and plight. It also tells you the way forward of life.

Books-Reading Building a Home Study Room and Cultivating a Love for Books

In today’s fast-paced world, where gadgets and technology dominate our lives, it is more important than ever to cultivate a love for reading and establish a study room or mini library at home. Reading is a fundamental skill that opens doors to knowledge, enlightenment, and personal growth. It is not just limited to textbooks, but encompasses a wide range of genres, including scientific issues, literature, history, and more. Additionally, Encourage children to delve into books, and reading in different languages to expand their horizons and share their love for books with others.

When one construct building ensure study room / mini library there

One of the best ways to foster a culture of reading at home is by creating a dedicated study room or mini library. This can be a quiet sanctuary where individuals can immerse themselves in the world of books and engage in deep reading. A study room provides a conducive environment for focused reading, free from distractions of gadgets or other household chores. It can be a space where individuals of all ages can retreat to explore new realms of knowledge, expand their imagination, and develop a lifelong love for books.

A home study room can be designed to suit individual preferences and needs. It can be a cozy corner with a comfortable chair (if possible) otherwise just a silent or less noisy venue can work worth, a reading nook with soft lighting, or a well-organized space with shelves filled with books. It can also be a place to display personal collections, such as favorite books, magazines, pen, pencils, highlighters and other study encouraged gears. Creating a study room at home sends a powerful message to family members, especially children, about the importance of reading and makes it a focal point of the household. It becomes an inviting space that beckons everyone to pick up a book, delve into its pages, and embark on an enriching reading journey.

Children and books

Instilling a love for reading in children is a gift that can last a lifetime. Books provide a gateway to explore new worlds, learn about different cultures, and expand their knowledge and creativity. In today’s digital age, where children are often glued to screens, it is crucial to encourage them to spend time with books and develop healthy reading habits. Having a study room or mini library at home can serve as a nurturing space where children can discover the joy of reading.

Parents can play a pivotal role in cultivating a reading culture among children. They can start by introducing age-appropriate books that capture their children’s interests and passions. Whether it is picture books for young children or chapter books for older kids, selecting books that resonate with their interests can create a positive reading experience. Reading aloud to children can also be a wonderful bonding activity that sparks their imagination and fosters a love for stories and books.

In addition to providing access to a wide range of books, parents can also create a reading routine at home. Designating a regular reading time, where everyone in the family spends time reading in the study room, can make reading a cherished family ritual. It can be a time for children to explore books, ask questions, and share their thoughts and ideas. Encouraging children to write book reviews, make notes, and share their reading experiences with family and friends can further enhance their engagement with books and develop their critical thinking skills.

Beyond Textbooks and immersing new languages

While textbooks are essential for academic learning, it is important to move beyond them and explore different genres of books to foster a well-rounded reading experience. Textbooks can often be monotonous and limit one’s thinking to a specific subject or curriculum. Encouraging children and adults alike to explore diverse genres, such as literature, history, philosophy, and more, can open up new worlds of knowledge.

On the whole let’s revise the reading culture which is gone in shadow due to flood of mobile devices and other gadgets. Countries like us, are drastically need of human capitals. Best books with best minds. Along this thing should be kept in mind if anyone from us by reading must not be sycophant or proud that only s/he knows everything.  The world ends at that person.  But as Karl Poper stated: “the more I know the more ignorant be”. We have this issue people read few books and start bragging that they are everything now. Try to behave like Tom Dick and Harry! We must be careful about these things. Countries like us where one studies only to get good job (not all) afterwards very few people continue reading. However, now a days our country which is politically, economically and socially gone into labyrinth. We need best minds and best minds can only be produced by books. So, let’s back to books.


Shoukat LoharShoukat Lohar is Assistant professor in English at Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro. He can be reached at Shoukat.ali@faculty.muet.edu.pk





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