The man should know the enigma of secret societies and filter their evil practices accordingly
Zeeshan Ali Zardari
Secret societies in one or another form have existed throughout the history of human culture. It should be taken as one of the mainstream aims of every era or age to explore and elaborate the secret societies, and their enigmatic system. Foundationally, secret societies are publicly recognized and known to the people, but the functioning status of these societies remain riddle and vague. These organizations appeal for quite alienated and mysterious systematic strategies that demarcate these organizations in societal context. In addition to that, the members of secret societies do claim the secret knowledge, secret wisdom and some form of truths that make them isolated and special in pursuance of other people who are not the members.
Well it is also known truth that members of secret societies do enjoy fiscal, rewarding and elite status, offered by the societies. On the basis of above mentioned two grounds, the secret societies promote the perception of ‘us’ and ‘them’, where the former represent the societies and latter entitle the common people. According to Nick Harding, of course these aspects of secret societies based on Judeo-Christian beliefs will be more prominent in Europe, Middle East and North America. It does not mean to say, that basic medium of societies is these theologies, but it maintains that through misusing the teaching and preaching of the relevant theologies.
The members of secret societies do claim the secret knowledge, secret wisdom and some form of truths that make them isolated
In terms of their activities, majorly two eminent capitals are used to steer the societies, all kinds of ungodly activities and the work of the devil and Satan. All the aspects and features of the secret societies are founded on these two central capitals. Whilst other activities include, assassination, politics behind the doors, castration, usage of like-minded people, oblations, interest in world order, etc. There are dozens are secret societies operating around the globe, including The Illuminati, The Hell Fire Club, The Gnostics, The Castrators of Russia, Opus Dei, etc. These societies are uniquely famed with their exceptional symbols. These symbols represent the societies individually, and these symbols are also the promoting medium of societies. It is worth to know that, different companies and organizations also within the sponsorship do promote the signs and symbols of these societies. Admittedly, secret societies are founded and operated by the group of people who are having the same interest level. However, signs are also used in according terms, to depict interest medium and immense charter of activities. This phase as active and mysterious form secret societies is an eminent wonder, throughout the world. Another very technical factor comes in foundation of these societies, is the inclusion of traditionalism. Traditionalism is an extension of paradoxical ritual, diverting the theological, ideological or moral codes, respectively.
Religion and divine laws are designed to secure and save humans from different devilish activities
World is too diverse in culture and civilization. The culture and civilization are two elementary aspects of human foundation and survival. Later on the concept of evil and good are also engrained within the terms of culture and civilization. The secret societies are the threshold point in between good and evil. Every culture and civilization in human history contains the threshold between good and evil, which later on becomes more embolden to yield the results like secret societies. Well religious scriptures were revealed to aware the humanity from such satanic societies. However, the mainstream message of Koran Kareem is also to be aware about such lethargic and ungodly practice that are part of secret societies. In Koran Kareem Allah Almighty warns mankind not to follow or accompany Satan. Here it comes as:
َا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ كُلُوا مِمَّا فِي الْأَرْضِ حَلَالًا طَيِّبًا وَلَا تَتَّبِعُوا خُطُوَاتِ الشَّيْطَانِ ۚ إِنَّهُ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ مُّبِينٌ ﴿168﴾
O mankind! Eat of what is lawful and pure in the earth, and do not follow in Satan’s steps. Indeed, he is your manifest enemy.
Religion and divine laws are designed to secure and save humans from different devilish activities and plenty of time Allah Almighty has sent the Prophets and guidance in various forms. The man should know the enigma of secret societies and should filter the evil practices accordingly.
Writer is the student of English Literature and Linguistics at Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University Nawabshah Sindh, He belongs to Sarhari town.