Home World Literature TRIDADARAM – A poem from Peru

TRIDADARAM – A poem from Peru

TRIDADARAM – A poem from Peru

Wise the universe

Made us three

The magic number of your creation

Perfect eloquence

Of its manifestation!

[author title=”Ramina Herrera ” image=”https://sindhcourier.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Ramina-Sindh-Courier.jpg”]Ramina Herrera Arteaga, born in Luya, Amazonas, Peru in 1979, is a Business Administrator by profession. She graduated from the National University of Trujillo. Her poetry “Memories of Unborn” was published online by the magazine “Voices” of Spain. In 2006 it was included in the anthology “Caminos de Poesía” (Editorial Fund of the Provincial Municipality of Cajamarca. She has been awarded several prestigious recognitions for her writing.[/author]



Wise the universe

Made us three

The magic number of your creation

Perfect eloquence

Of its manifestation!

Three points

Of an equilateral triangle

Three, whole number

From 3.1416*

Maybe it’s the pending number

Of this indescribable happiness

That logic does not understand

Derivatives rave

Powers are reduced

And the square roots

They hide underground.

Maybe we will be

That mysterious number

What undaunted minds

Manage to unveil

In unison rhythm

Criminal vertigo

Of ripe nights

Of silent dawns

Between the singing of stars

Or the waning of the full moon,

Primal knowledge

Of winged beings

What did they look for?

Squaring the circle

Or the ten sefirot*

That they talked about squares

Triangles and rhombuses,

They all took us

To mathematize life

And who knows

Yes it is the pure reason

The initial creation

Of our existence





Today they fly free

In my head!



Sabio el universo

hizo que fuéramos tres

número mágico de su creación

elocuencia perfecta

de su manifestación.

tres puntos

de un triángulo equilátero

tres, número entero

del 3.1416

tal vez sea el número pendiente

de esta felicidad indescriptible

que la lógica no entiende

las derivadas desvarían

las potencias se reducen

y las raíces cuadradas

se esconden bajo tierra.

Tal vez seamos

ese número misterioso

que mentes impávidas

logren develar

al unisonó ritmo

vértigo criminal

de noches maduras

de madrugadas silentes

entre el canto de estrellas

o el menguar de luna llena,

el conocimiento primigenio

de seres alados

que buscaron

la cuadratura del círculo

o las diez sefirot

que hablaron de cuadrados

triángulos y rombos,

todos nos llevaron

a matematizar la vida

y quién sabe

sí es la razón pura

la creación inicial

de nuestra propia existencia…





hoy vuelan libres

en mi cabeza.


*Trilogy – Tri-3, Da for David, Da for Dania, Ram for Ramina 9Poet and her two kids)

*Sefirot – Term of Jewish Kabala

*The value of pi in math is 3.1416 indicating relationship between the length of circumference and its diameter