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Us and Them!

Us and Them!
Illustration Courtesy: IVolunteer International USA

People are more focused on highlighting the shortcomings of others rather than their own contributions. As a result, the overall atmosphere has become one of unrest and dissatisfaction.

Zaheer Udin Babar Junejo

In our society, there seems to be a prevalent division between “us” and “them”. This can be observed in various fields such as the service structure, justice system, and media, where individuals tend to align themselves with a particular personality, group, or faction. The polarization between these has become so extreme that it’s difficult for ordinary citizens to see beyond their own biases and work towards common goals.

Unfortunately, this “us vs. them” mentality has created a sense of competition and comparison among individuals, where people are more focused on highlighting the shortcomings of others rather than their own contributions. As a result, the overall atmosphere has become one of unrest and dissatisfaction.

As a result of these rivalries, people who genuinely want to contribute to society are often forced to remain silent or pushed to the sidelines

In such a scenario, it doesn’t matter what a person is capable of or how much they contribute to society. Instead, people are more concerned with pointing out what others are not doing or are doing wrong. This has made survival in Pakistan increasingly challenging, as the focus has shifted from progress and development to petty rivalries and conflicts. Rivalries have become so deeply ingrained that they often serve to maintain the current status quo. Unfortunately, this has come at the cost of the basic dignity of human beings, as people are increasingly pitted against each other rather than working towards common goals.

As a result of these rivalries, people who genuinely want to contribute to society are often forced to remain silent or pushed to the sidelines. The constant competition and tension between the economically powerful and powerless make it difficult for ordinary individuals to express their opinions or take action on issues that matter to them. This situation has led to a decline in Pakistan’s overall quality of life. The sense of community and shared purpose that is necessary for progress and development has been replaced by a constant state of conflict and tension. It’s essential for individuals and groups to overcome their differences and work together towards a better future for all.


Zaheer Udin Babar Junejo is a Community Development Professional based in Hyderabad Sindh




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