Emotions – Mystic Poetry from India


Emotions have around them

Invisible borders

And they flow

Straight like railway lines.

Dr. Jernail Singh Anand, a renowned poet and writer from Chandigarh, India, shares his mystic poetry

Jernail Singh Anand- Sindh CourierDr. Jernail Singh Anand, based in Chandigarh, is an Indian poet and scholar credited with 170 plus books of English literature, philosophy and spirituality. He won great Serbian Award Charter of Morava and his name adorns the Poets’ Rock in Serbia. He was honored with Seneca Award LAUDIS CHARTA by Academy of Arts & Philosophical Sciences, Bari, Italy 2024. He is Founder President of the International Academy of Ethics and conferred Doctor of Philosophy (Honoris Causa) by University of Engineering & Management, (UEM) Jaipur. Email anandjs55@yahoo.com 

Biblio-link: https://sites.google.com/view/bibliography-dr-jernal-singh/home   

Image courtesy: LinkedIn


Emotions have around them

Invisible borders

And they flow

Straight like railway lines.


Electricity walks straight

Through the wires

And does not like

To be messed with


If you want peace

Hold the borders sacred

And let not emotions

Boil over


Let them cause havoc

In your blood

But let them not

Break the walls


Emotions which flow

In the streets


Turn vagabond and unsavory


Emotions when turn loose

Are not always poetry

They bring down

Men and their empires.


Read: Child – Mystic Poetry from India



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