We need to cultivate fraternal love. If we want peace and happiness on this planet, the only way to ensure it is to cultivate fraternal love

Dr. Jernail S. Anand

And from today onwards, if we accept this definition of love, we must stop a thousand things, and the most important of them is closing down the factories of jealousy, hatred, which run on the ammunition of ambition and unbridled passion for wealth and fame. 

The magic of love is instant

It is an intra-soul-ular [IS] injection

Which rises to your very nature

And brings out the best

That is slumbering within.


The delivery boy at the vege-vendor

Sits waiting for the customers

I, carrying a heavy bag,

From the grocer,

Buy a few light vegetables.


While I am ready to depart,

I put my hand on the shoulders

Of the little boy, and just say

‘Lovely boy. Works hard’

These words work like instant magic.


The boy reacts fast to my words

And says,

Sir, may I take this bag

To your home?

I look back with love.

No my dear boy. I say softly.

I want to share this event with the wide world, simply for the reason that, beyond our own self, and our own family, there is a world which waits for our love. Let me call it Fraternal Love.

Fraternal love-1Poets, writers, and scholars are often going gaga over fraternal love. They can quote verses from Holy Scriptures, where the Prophet have said so and so. And there is no dearth of scholars who have written heavy notes on fraternal love. Most of them themselves died in utter isolation, some of them shooting themselves. Is preaching enough? That too to others? Can’t we preach unto ourselves?

Once I was to take a rickshaw. I asked him how much? He said eleven rupees. I insisted it should be ten. He agreed. On the way, I was thinking. If I give him one rupee more, it would not affect me, but it can buy something for his kids. Eventually, when I got down the rickshaw, he was wiping his sweat. I looked at him. He was expecting ten rupees, and his inner self was not happy. But I offered him eleven rupees. I cannot express in words the joy that I saw in his eyes. He smiled and thanked me. I felt small, why thanks, it was his labor. But, I saw the magic of a small deed which I did exceeding myself.

Fraternal love-2Giving the amount of money when the people who are helping you in your family, on time, is also a gesture which generates lots of goodwill. And if you do it, without their asking, it will be wonderful. You can view a very precious smile on their face, a smile for which you can hunt the offices and streets, you won’t find.

This world is ours no doubt, but we are not the only pata-holders, [registered owners] of this earth. We should understand, this earth belongs to elements. And, on this earth we can find millions of trees, animals, insects, birds who hold the boarding pass.  We must have that spirit of sharing, not only with men around, but the bounties of the earth, need to be shared with all the living beings. We must understand this logic. When man was created, he was a part of nature. Now, however, he stands against nature, which is an unhealthy development.

We shall also understand that we can live happily if we exercise love. Hatred will blast our happiness. And to live in amity, we need specific training of the mind. Our mind should be disposed in such a way that we look at everything with love and affection.

Fraternal love-3In a way, all our physical faculties, like the eyes, the ears, the mouth, even the skin, and add to it our feet – the entire body is a communication center, and we are communicating with the outside all the time When we are asleep, our closed eyes get into motion, and we see [dreams] what we cannot even see with our open eyes. The world that lies outside is not evilly disposed towards us. There are very few people who can attack us. Most of the vegetational world, the avians, and the animal kingdom, are here to help us. Nature is benign, because nature has created animals, birds and other beings in an order of creation and decreation. They justify their being on this earth, that too for a brief span. Earth is timeless, but anything that is born to this earth, is mortal. Be it a tree, be it animals, be it human beings. But earth lives on. Elements live on.

The Holy Design

I wish to emphasize that we are a part of a great system which works together to keep us alive. Things of different denominations have different briefs also, but the overall design is to perpetuate life on this planet. That is God’s design. If we understand this design, we shall also understand that we can live happily if we exercise love. Hatred will blast our happiness. And to live in amity, we need specific training of the mind. Our mind should be disposed in such a way that we look at everything with love and affection.


In other words, we need to cultivate fraternal love. A child when born carries no scars on its soul. It has no hatreds, no jealousies, no ambitions either. I have seen very small kids looking at me and smiling. Such a relationship we must maintain with objects of nature as well as other shareholders of the spiritual commonwealth of God.

Fraternal loveTake Away

It would be good if we understand that if we want peace and happiness on this planet, I hope we all wish it, then, the only way to ensure it is to cultivate FRATERNAL LOVE for the CREATION. There is no other way. And from today onwards, if we accept this definition of love, we must stop a thousand things, and the most important of them is closing down the factories of jealousy and hatred, which run on the ammunition of ambition and unbridled passion for wealth and fame.

Can we unmount the horses of passion? Return to the earth, and start loving the small things of life? Which we have ignored for centuries in our blind pursuit of the stars? I wonder, though I ardently wish it.



Jernail SinghDr. Jernail Singh Anand, President of the International Academy of Ethics, is author of 167 books in English poetry, fiction, non-fiction, philosophy and spirituality. He was awarded Charter of Moravatly, the great Award by Serbian Writers Association, Belgrade and his name was engraved on the Poets’ Rock in Serbia. The Academy of Arts and philosophical Sciences of Bari [Italy] honored him with the award of an Honorable Academic. Recently, he was awarded Doctor of Philosophy [Honoris Causa] by the University of Engineering and Management, Jaipur. Recently, he organized an International Conference on Contemporary Ethics at Chandigarh. His most phenomenal book is Lustus: The Prince of Darkness [first epic of the Mahkaal Trilogy].Email: anandjs55@yahoo.com

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