Sindh is known for the peace, brotherhood, hospitality, honor, ethical values, and religious harmony. But with the time and tides our cultural norms are vanishing from our society.
Salma Habib Bhutto
As the celebrations of culture day are about to begin, I, being the daughter of Sindh, want to discuss the real culture of Sindh.
Sindh is known for the peace, brotherhood, hospitality, honor, ethical values, and religious harmony. But with the time and tides our cultural norms are vanishing from our society. I would like to draw attention to the miserable conditions, the women of Sindh are undergoing – They are subjected to early marriages, low literacy rate, denial of empowerment, brutal mysterious murders of girls at their career campuses, burning at the homes, inhuman behavior, violence, and imposition of male dominancy have perished real culture of Sindh.
Woman in our society are still facing backward mentality and intolerable behavior at every step they take for the sake of change. They are insecure at every so-called ‘secure place’ and the threat is no one but our youth male folk. Very sadly saying but we have failed to infuse the better part our culture in our new generation. We are just promoting our dressing code while we are in bitter need to promote our cultural values; the honor of daughters, mothers, elders and teachers.
We belong to a land where respect of a woman was similar to the Holy book but sadly we have lost it. In this era of 21st century our daughters are struggling to pace in the competitive world. While women of neighboring country have reached up to Mars but ours, especially women of Sindh province, are still dragging their survival at the lowest level.
When a girl tries to come forward to support her family to bring some honor through education and her ability, she is dragged back by the feudal mentality of dominant male folk. Our woman strives not just for the sake of dignity of herself but for her family and country, but unfortunately we have failed to reduce religious or social barriers which are built to block her way.
The question is why a woman of our past culture was the courageous like Marvi and the woman of today still needs to prove her loyal, sincere, caring and daring? Why some so called feudal minds are allowed to hinder the talent of Sindhi women. In the name of family resolutions, marriages are taking place before graduation on so many silly excuses.
Why a woman is always supposed to be answerable for every social evil? Is this our culture?
When a girl tries to explain her dreams, her ambitions, she is stopped by saying that ‘it’s not a good field for girls, you can´t do that, choose teaching or other suitable jobs’.
Let your sisters and daughters dream and support them to make true their dream as our culture and our religion teaches equality without any gender bias and inequality.
Here I would ask ‘if a boy can dream to be a fighter pilot, why a girl should skip her same dream?’
The culture of brotherhood has now been replaced by the culture of bloodshed and extremism. How are we going to revive brotherhood and end this bloodshed which has been a key of feudal dominance?
Very sadly I have to say that ‘we are caring about the costly education and not of the costless moral and ethical training’. Neither the tags of degrees nor the dressing code will revive our real culture.
Let’s celebrate this culture day to revive the real culture of Sindh – the honor, fraternity, equality and hospitality.
[author title=”Salma Habib Bhutto” image=””]Hailing from Gambat, a remote town of Khairpur District of Sindh, Salma Bhutto is a columnist, poetess, blogger, social media manager, graphic designer, book translator, creative content writer, researcher, trainer and Project Manager, now based in Karachi, the capital of province. She writes with pen name Salma Habib.[/author]