Would the Chinese President be the Nobel Laureate of Peace?


This question may embarrass those in charge of the Nobel Prize at the Swedish Academy.

  • Whether the Chinese President is awarded the Nobel Prize or not, his greatest prize will be his status and the status of his country in the hearts of the Arab world and every honorable person living on the blue planet.
Khalid Suleiman

[A couple of days back conversation took place between me and the Egyptian critic, Khalid Suleiman, who is concerned with the issues of Arab Nationalism. I reminded him with the Arab proverb: Ask for “reconciliation,” even in China, in response to the majestic scene of the Palestinian parties reconciling on the mainland of the Great Wall of China.

We both remembered, what China did to bring the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran closer together. Then the question posed itself: Will these tremendous steps for peace in a world filled with wounds and tragedies in endless wars lead to the Nobel Peace Prize going to Chinese leader Xi Jinping? The response comes in an article by the writer of Asia In – The AsiaN Editor’s note]

– In the same way that great China, represented by its President Xi Jinping, followed, which resulted in an almost impossible reconciliation between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iran, a waste of opportunity for the United States and its allies who call themselves the Free World, while they left nothing for the world of evil without committing it; from deepening the gap between Saudi Arabia and Iran in order to continue blackmailing the Kingdom and the Arab Gulf states at all levels, and plundering their vast wealth under the pretext of the imminent Iranian threat to them, and while their coffers flourish and the sales of their arms factories, which we have not seen killing except children, women and the sheikhs of Palestine… are increasing. The Arab world and the countries of the South have become poorer as a direct result of the wars and crises from which those weapons makers live at the expense of the rest of the planet’s population.

The way the United States of America and its allies practice this type of semi-hidden fraud by igniting wars and creating threats may seem less severe than the extremely impudent method followed one day by “Donald Trump” – who is coming forcefully again to occupy the Oval Office in the White House – when he demanded more than half a trillion dollars (600 billion) as a down payment in exchange for protecting them and preserving their thrones, or leaving them an easy prey for anyone lurking around them, led by Iran (thus with an open and shameless face).

They yielded, and this American-Western blackmail may not have continued; thanks to China throwing a lifeline to all parties through the reconciliation initiative that succeeded in completing between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

– Greater China takes the initiative again:

Conference-1Once again, China, the land of Confucian wisdom, surprises us with a wonderful initiative to end the Palestinian division and strengthen the unity of the people by uniting the resistance factions. China carried out successful negotiation between the Palestinian factions, which resulted in the representatives of fourteen Palestinian factions signing an agreement to end the division and promote unity, as we mentioned above, through mediation, a Chinese guarantee was announced called the “Beijing Declaration”…

Regardless of urgent questions such as: Why are there fourteen Palestinian resistance factions even though the number of Palestinian people is average, as long as the goal is the same, which is to liberate the occupied land?!!

All Palestinian factions must listen to Chinese wisdom and learn from the lessons of history, most importantly the lesson of Chinese patience, which achieves gains

One must also ask about how China was able to communicate and arrange with those factions and gather their representatives, and how it expelled them under the iron curtain and the stifling siege imposed by the Zionist enemy around them?!!

How will they be able to return to the occupied land to practically implement this wonderful agreement, which is an important step on the path to liberation?!! ..

More importantly, will all the factions adhere to the agreement, especially the major factions? Or will we find among the factions those who ignore the Beijing Declaration, or show us a new faction to play this role? In this case, it will only serve the interests of the brutal occupation.

I wish we had heard Xuen Lai’s advice:

More than half a century ago, during the return of the leaders of what was later called the “Non-Aligned” Bloc, the experienced Chinese leader “Xuenlai” advised the Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser to temporarily ignore all conflicts, including the conflict with the Zionist entity, and devote himself to the challenge of development for a while… and then he emerges into the world as a giant that is difficult to be contained.

This was what China did, and we see with our own eyes where it has reached today… and how containing it has become impossible and its leadership of the planet has become a matter of time…

Palestinian fractions were invited by China to sign a reconciliation agreement

All Palestinian factions must listen to Chinese wisdom and learn from the lessons of history, most importantly the lesson of Chinese patience, which achieves gains… one gain after another, to be achieved as a first power and to give the planet new hope in getting rid of the American-Western injustice that has exceeded the limits of imagination, especially as the entire world bears witness to What is happening in terms of ethnic cleansing, genocide and comprehensive destruction in Palestine… and the usurping entity is ignoring the rulings and decisions of international legitimacy against it thanks to American and Western support…

Would the Nobel Prize be honored by the Chinese President?

The urgent question now, after the political miracles achieved by China, which we hope will succeed (if the Palestinian factions adhere to it), is whether the West, which falsely and slanderously calls its bloc the term “the Free World,” will be consistent with itself and award the Chinese president the Nobel Peace Prize that he so richly deserves. …at the very least, in order to preserve its reputation, which has deteriorated, and to erase the shame from it after it was granted to those who did not deserve it… headed by, but not limited to, the murderer of the Irgun, Tesfai Leumi, and Menachem Begin, the murderer of the massacres and the killer of children, women, and the elderly.

I do not think that the noble Chinese President, the head of the land of Confucian wisdom, has a crime or sin other than that he is trying to extinguish the fire of wars and conflicts that the United States of America and its allies are igniting, to make the simple and weak fall victim.

This question may embarrass those in charge of the Nobel Prize at the Swedish Academy. Whether the Chinese President is awarded the Nobel Prize or not, his greatest prize will be his status and the status of his country in the hearts of the Arab world and every honorable person living on the blue planet.

Read: Tehran is getting better infrastructure than New York – thanks to China


Khalid-EgyptKhalid Suleiman is an Egyptian writer and critic based in Tunisia. He writes in Arabic for the AsiaN, the media arm of Asia Journalists Association (AJA). He has authored more than 300 articles.

Published under the International Cooperation Protocol with The AsiaN (Arabic) 

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