WPM Launches World Poetry School Project

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Certificates of completion for the Poetry School course in Cuba.

The School is proposed for poets from all over the world who want to approach an international pedagogical process, explore deeper into their work, and create ties and communication with colleagues in the world


This week, the World Poetry Movement WPM Coordinating Committee met to discuss the plans of World Poetry School Project, where a lot of inputs were suggested by WPM Members.

The project of one World Poetry School has been immersed in the work plans of WPM since its foundation, in 2011, when the Movement was founded by 37 directors of International Poetry Festivals and formative Poetry Projects in a meet in Medellín.

Columbian poet Fernando Réndon - Sindh Courier
Columbian poet Fernando Réndon

The meeting was moderated by Columbian poet Fernando Réndon, the General WPM Coordinator, and attend by Gloria Chvatal (Columbia), Abdulla Issa (Palestine), Cao Shui (China), Gabriel Jaime Franco (Columbia), Ana María Oviedo  (Venezuela), Alex Pausides (Cuba), Ashraf Aboul-Yazid (Egypt), Óscar Saavedra Villarroel (Chile), Achour Fenni (Algeria), Siphiwe Nzima (Lesotho),  Koukis Christos (Greece), Aminur Rahman (Bangladesh), Rati Saxena (India), Keshab Sigdel (Nepal), Christine Peiying Chen (China/New Zealand), Mohsen Rahjedri (Iran), Khalid Raissouni (Morocco), María Ángeles Pérez López (Spain), Vadim Terekhin (Russia), and Zolani Mkiva (South Africa).

A first meet of the WPM Coordinating Committee in January 2025, was convened to work on the planification of the World Poetry School project, based on a contribution managed by the International Poetry Festival of Medellin and of WPM’s concrete commitment in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which allows the development of a first phase of the project, to which all de WPMs members are invited to join and contribute with their experiences and ideas.

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A glimpse of the meeting of the continental coordinators of the World Poetry Movement.

This could be the first WPM’s great opportunity to structure a collective effort, different to planetary actions, meetings, declarations. It is a moment of collective reflection facing the world, bringing together poets to think from poetic thinking about today’s most serious problems. The structure of the Conference for Palestine shows how the great poets of the world are important thinkers, the world needs the thought of poets on the problems that put life at risk.

Medellin exposes that there are several experiences of Poetry Schools such as Venezuela, Medellin, Chile, India, Bangladesh, the Gorki School of Moscow, Iran, China, many counties in Africa and others, which have been developed for some years in several cities in each of the countries. Likewise, many of the members of WPM have experience through their participation in universities, workshops, and other activities.

This School is proposed for poets from all over the world who want to approach an international pedagogical process, explore deeper into their work, and create ties and communication with colleagues in the world. Behind every struggle should be education to bring new generations closer.

The School, in its first phase, will develop a unique program with continuity and levels, different modules that should be structured as a curriculum, where poets approach according to their level and interests. WPM should create a common component that values and respects differences, and brings us closer together.

Other component will be sessions of dialogue with recognized poets of the world, on urgencies of our time as: war, nuclear threat, advance of the extreme right, colonialism, and environmental deterioration. These older poets can share their experience, because they have wisdom and many young poets want to hear them.

Students will meet in an online space. There must be a base language, simultaneous translation -starting with major languages- within the courses. There cannot be a world school without the inclusion of continents and countries. Subsequently, specific content can be developed from the different countries. The modules should gradually be translated into the different languages.

The shared curriculum is very important, WPM need to make sure that everyone is in the same page according to the same curriculum but of course tailored as per each nation culture. To include other languages, there may be branches in some countries and languages.  In India, they can translate the modules into their languages. China also proposes to make a branch of the World Poetry School.

It is expected the suggestions of WPM members to choose as teachers of the School the major poets of each region who have a long history as exhibitors and with proven teaching methodologies. It should be ensured that the poetic tradition of the continents and the largest possible number of countries are present. The World Poetry School involves central concepts: multilingualism and multiculturalism and inclusion.

There is a lot of material produced by many members of WPM, there are elements that can be used as resources. The school must produce its own content based on what is projected to be executed.

A system of balance-evaluation of what has been achieved by the participants should be generated, and certificates should also be given to those who complete the modules and generate other methods of motivation such as the publication of papers.

It is necessary to consider possible schedules and other practical details. And prepare a calendar, considering whether we will have seasons or a defined number of modules in the year.

WPM poets could also organize a program open to the general public on the vision of poetry about current affairs and the political situation, with lectures, talks, forums, etc.

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Ashraf Aboul-Yazid, Continental Coordinator of the World Poetry Movement, Egypt, delivering a lecture on poetry writing skills to students of Benha University.

An international research laboratory could be set up to develop a theory of poetic studies, in order to detach poetic analysis from the social science theories that have reduced genre analysis to extratextual considerations.

Produce and share poetic materials, pdf books, lectures and other appropriate content as part of the Poetry School’s plan, to distribute selections from local and international poetry collections to the participants.

To define, first is to have a coordinating body, a board of trustee, a board of directors and a dominant language. Networking members, will be based in WPM´s members.

Regarding finances; securing the necessary funding is vital. This includes funding an electronic platform, and search funding. Other challenge is the technological one, where Venezuela offer its support. The creation of an IP channel has been discussed, the platform and design are issues to be resolved. It is suggested to consult other similar platforms, such as: (https://claseflix.io/). It is important if WPM think they want to reach the world, so they must design and develop a good communications strategy and all coordinators must disseminate it among the national Movements and with poet friends.


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