The movie ‘The World is Family’, produced by Anand Patwardhan, whose ancestors belonged to Sindh, intricately connects the past to the present realities of modern India
Dr. J Ravikumar Stephen G
Recently, at Prithvi Theatre in Juhu, Mumbai, I had the privilege of watching the movie ‘The World is Family’ (Vasu-devyaya-Kudumbakam), upon the invitation of filmmaker, director, and Editor Anand Patwardhan. In this film, Patwardhan focuses on his parents, uncles, aunts, and distant acquaintances to highlight their involvement in India’s freedom struggle. The movie intricately connects this past to the present realities of modern India. Patwardhan’s father, Balu (Wasudev) Patwardhan, recalls how nearly every protestor of independence movement faced arrest. Meanwhile, his mother, Nirmala, delivers witty and sharp observations as she reminisces, particularly emphasizing her close collaboration with Mahatma Gandhi during those years. The film also delves into the conflicting views on resistance held by Anand’s paternal uncles, Rau Patwardhan and Achyut Patwardhan, who were active in the movement during the 1930s.
As the film unfolds, viewers are given a glimpse into the tender and heartfelt bond between Anand’s parents. The film serves as a tribute to them, revealing the deep affection Anand has for his family. I found this sentiment particularly moving, as it resonated with my own experience of losing both of my parents and the long years it took me to come to terms with that reality. Anand Patwardhan’s longing for his parents is palpable throughout the film.
Read: The World is Family
To give his mother a sense of the current state of her ancestral home in Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan, Anand Patwardhan participated in the 6th Joint Convention of the Pakistan-India Peoples’ Forum for Peace and Democracy (PIPFPD) in Karachi in 2003, an event I also attended as part of the Indian contingent. During the 2019 floods, I lost all my old photographs and video clips. However, *in one scene of the film, there is a shot of me rolling my luggage with the flags of Pakistan and India attached to my suitcase. Upon returning from that trip, I lost the suitcase, along with the suit I wore in the video clip. Watching that scene in the film brought back a wave of nostalgia.
As a peace and social activist, Patwardhan’s film endeavors to retell the true story of India’s independence movement, emphasizing the unity between Hindus and Muslims as they stood shoulder to shoulder against British oppression—an aspect that the current regime in India seems eager to downplay with its own narrative.
My Key Takeaways
- Shashi and Jennifer Kapoor established the Shri Prithviraj Kapoor Memorial Trust & Research Foundation in 1975. This registered public charitable trust is a non-profit organization that relies on the support of individuals and corporations dedicated to promoting the performing and fine arts in Juhu, Mumbai.
- I learned about forgotten historical figures, such as the Pakistani political leader Allah Bux Muhammad Umar Soomro, who opposed the partition of India. In September 1942, he renounced his knighthood and the Khan Bahadur title, both honors granted by the British government.
Recently, while speaking with a man in his late 30s, I explained the state of India at the time of independence and how Jawaharlal Nehru built a new nation with limited resources. He immediately asked if I could speak on this topic during the upcoming Republic Day on January 26, 2025. There is a pressing need to educate India’s youth. With a strong script, Anand Patwardhan and Prof. Simantini Dhuru could create a “limited series” for an over-the-top (OTT) media platform, which would greatly help the younger generation understand India’s historical journey.
Read: A Sindhi film on Partition breaks the mould, wows audiences
Dr. J Ravikumar Stephen G is the Founder of Peace Coalition of The People Of South Asia