Home Poetry Give us life – Poetry from Sudan

Give us life – Poetry from Sudan

Give us life – Poetry from Sudan
Life in a town of Sudan

My eyes it feel like I’m reading a novel written on my life!!!!

Everything you do I think once walk this road how wink and blink time goes.

Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker

Give us life  

My eyes it feel like I’m reading a novel written on my life!!!!

Everything you do I think once walk this road how wink and blink time goes.

I will be printing and adding to memory box for you to read.

Wow, let’s appreciate life, it goes so deep!

Tired face is coming home tight from the daily race of soul tight.


Holding little of diamond or flame up and under.

How well you play the game, but pleased in your heart.

Ten million pain or more plodding along in the daily risk.

The whips and the scorns of life never a whimper of pain or hate.

For the sake of those who at home await your lovely coming to shine hearts.


You are one of the surging crowd

Toiling, striving from day to day.

Lean on whatever may

Doing, with courage stern and grim.

You aren’t readier than shooting a bullet, but you are swift to defense your blood kids.

You are able to leap tall building.

You have the strength of a horse.

You heart could crush any pal.

You could meet whole that the world throw at you.

You are there in you darkest minutes.

I want to make your whole dreams come true.

You always do hard work for us.

You never show your weakness in front of us.

You are always tough, but I know you are soft inside.

No matter what, you never leave us.

I still have to study hard.  

I still have to do so many things for you both.

 I will make you proud of me.

 I love you to death.


Future Markers’ Crew

Awaken mind brought people together communicated effectively.

Dared has taken calculated risks enlightened and empowered foster collaboration.

Taught us tools to success supporting us do for ourselves an awesome gentle creature who invited and encouraged questions joyfully embraced diversity kept an open mind led by instance wisdom of alive experience.

Inspired us with respect has never given upon us.

Opened gates to new challenges set first aims,

First things first quest to created learning fun to recognize our problem earth.

Given away roles and responsibilities grabbed moment to value everyone’s input.

Getting out of comfort zone as a part of gaining fresh Skills.

Harps has whole to make a difference.

Self-reliance was a blessing no matter who was next to them

Shells had started their day a lone.

If apples live, truly life the maple leaf has pulled into the driveway of their dreams.

Roses were like a treasure might not be asked for it.

Maple leaves had made a bloody social fingerprint.

Shared their ideas, skills and passion.

Taken struggles work together has been friends for the same goals.

Sometimes the most outstanding boons were those we couldn’t adore

It might has taken time to see our action’s estimation.

Grant an open minded audience to hold a chance be learnt at that golden platform.

Patient steady with whole Raised First must bear Odal Rune met every tough single hour with care.

Easy in manner yet solid as steel strong in faith.

Eyes that had foresight for hindsight won’t do reaching to touch the ones who won’t hear.

Growing in strength is wanting the world to join the big day stand.

Bracing for knowledge, but praying for peace.

There is always leaders worthy of admiration and trust.

They had done what they could be greater.

Gorgeous day was made and drawn every lasting memories forever.

(Wrote on the occasion of joint Greatest Goal Quest Event in Sudan where 110 member crew had spent 12 hours)


Yousif Ibrahim - Sudan - Sindh CourierYousif Ibrahim Abubaker is a poet and writer from Omdurman Umbda -Sudan. He works as an English Instructor, Trainer and Freelance Interpreter. He also has been working as a debate leader discussing various topics in many English Institutes, Centers, Academy and schools.