The Descent of Indian Statesmanship to Salesmen

Rajya Sabha - Photo courtesy: ORF Online

Party politics in India has turned into a cruel joke, and, it is really very depressing that nobody is ready to review the situation.

  • Those were the days when leaders were tall, and they were respected by the people for their work for the nation
Dr. Jernail S. Anand

“If you are sitting at the wheel, the bus cannot be taken to anywhere you want. Those sitting on the seats, and who have paid the fare, will decide where this bus will go.”

There were times when the politician used to be the hero of the masses. People who went to him were given due attention; he was easily accessible and his credentials were not required to be blown up every day in the newspapers. He was a man of the masses, whom people loved, because his politics was people-centric. I remember the likes of Jaya Prakash Narayan, people who never thought of themselves, or even their own sons and daughters as ‘sure’ leaders of tomorrow. And such people never needed any security cover because the love of the people was their security. Those were the days when leaders were tall, and they were respected by the people for their work for the nation.

The perks paid to the politicians, who are serving themselves, rather than the nation, need to be reviewed. Because, the people are not in a mood to pay for the misdeeds of their leaders while in power.

Now, invert all that I have said. This is our present ‘de’ generation of leaders, and not one can be an exception. The fall is absolute and across the table. We are at the nadir of public conduct. What has brought us to this pass? I believe that the Focus of Politics has shifted from ‘Service of the Masses’ to ‘Self-service’. What we are practising today is personalized politics, which is undertaken, not as a passion for the society, or for the nation, but as a profession, and then, it is dynasticated. What is the wrong if the son of a goldsmith inheres the jewelry business as it happened in the past? And how can we conflict with the desire of a politician to put his sons and his daughters in this business? And if he is sent to jail, what is wrong if he anoints his wife, as his successor, who has been cooking in the kitchen all the time. Every politician grooms his son or daughter for politics. And the leaders know how to keep their flocks in trim. After all, it is herd behavior when men are reduced to.

Dynastic Politics - Courtesy X
Dynastic Politics – Courtesy

Zero Level Politics

This is Zero level politics, because all the sons of great politicians are not ‘sublimated’ souls like them. And they bring their political careers to an ignominious close. [Remember Mahabharata]. Party politics in India has turned into a cruel joke, and, it is really very depressing that nobody is ready to review the situation. When a crop is ripe, it is sold at throw away prices. We are in this phase of throw-away phase, where politicians know it is better to grab whatever they can, and then, they pass on the baton to their sons, who are given proper training in siphoning off the wealth they have created into Swiss banks, or property in US.

Read: Why is Indian politics dominated by dynasties?

To Err is Human

They too are human, and we should not forget the most defining feature of a man is: Error. To err is human. But, being human has its limits. What we see today is the deterioration of the politician, from a human being, to a rapacious barbarian. No amount of education can refine his sensibilities, and there is no way, he can be tuned towards public weal. Yes, one thing is there which goes to their favor. And it is media. They can manipulate it. Now, it is not man’s actions which speak, but the real language through which a politician speaks, are men, media, money, mania, and muscles. This is the style of politics perfected by our leaders.  And, this has brought us down to the Zero level of political conduct.

mcms The Wire
Image courtesy: The Wire

Whom does the Govt. represent?

Here, I wish to underline some unpalatable facts which no politician wants to mouth. Whom the Govt. represents? Does it represent the people who voted for it? If it represents those people only, how is it empowered to take decisions for those who voted for the opposition? If you are sitting at the wheel, the bus cannot be taken to anywhere you want. Those sitting on the seats, and who have paid the fare, will decide where this bus will go.

I believe that the Focus of Politics has shifted from ‘Service of the Masses’ to ‘Self-service’

If you want to deviate from the route even for a moment, you need to consult them. What is wrong in consulting those who are there to question your moves later on? What is opposition for? If we win an election with a margin of 1% votes, it does not make us the unquestioned king. And those who got 1% less, and remain in opposition, cannot be dismissed as anti-national. There has to be some probity, some sagaciousness in our behavior as leader of the nation. Open Debate is the only way to ensure there are no dead locks. Better, undertake the debate first, and then, rule the nation with a National and Notional Consensus.


Withdraw Z-Security to Leaders who served themselves instead of the Nation?

Do we need to provide Z-Security at nation’s cost to the leaders who have worked only for themselves? And, are, therefore, most unpopular? I have a single line answer to this question; No leader can dare go against the people if there is no provision for Z-Security after he goes out of office. The public representatives in Rajya Sabha are under constant attack for their non-attendance. The perks paid to the politicians, who are serving themselves, rather than the nation, need to be reviewed. Because, the people are not in a mood to pay for the misdeeds of their leaders while in power.

Read: The Vacuum at the Centre of the Transformational Politics: A Take on JP’s Total Revolution


Jernail S Anand - Sindh CourierDr. Jernail S. Anand is a socialist campaigner, an ideologue who heads the International Academy of Ethics and authored 170 books. Winner of the international award Charter of Morava, his name is inscribed on Poets’ Rock in Serbia. A rare achievement for an Indian author, who was the only one to be honored by the Serbian Writers Association after Rabindranath Tagore in 1926. Contact:





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